No, in reality the US Government is in control of the US Military, the government determines the total size of the military, its budget and salaries as well as a lot more like research and development. The heads of the various military branches have the responsibility of advising the commander in chief, concerning military issues, and proposes to the Secretary of Defense and to the US president miliary requirements and what types of military equipment is needed to protect the US.
The US House of Representatives has no direct military authority. Its members do not have any military rank or authority, and are not inside the military chain-of-command. It does, however, control two important military-related issues:As part of Congress, the U.S. House of Representatives must pass a bill authorizing any sustained use of US military forces (under the War Powers Resolution of 1973) or must pass a bill for war to be declared (per the Constitution). Both bills must also pass the US Senate to be valid.It also controls all Military-related appropriations; that is, all funding for the US Armed Services must pass through the House.
The US military draft began in the US Civil War (1861-1865).
Although there are different types of military badges for the US Army, there are no subdivisions for military insignia. The total number of military insignia for the US Army is 57.
A Military Courts-Martial.
the first US Military personnel was killed
The English
Department of Defense, which is part of the Executive branch
The English
China is not controlling the US. The US still has the largest economy in the world and a military equal or better than China's. This does not mean the number of troops but the quality of them and the military equipment. No country controls the US.
US Military or U.S. Military.
Egypt, or at the moment, its military.
To keep us safe and to correct us when people are doing the wrong things. To protect people and to make sure that the military does not police us. But God still controls all that they do...if they listen to Him and they obey what He is guiding them to do.
The U.S. military is subordinate to the Federal (civilian) government. Note that the US Congress controls the budget, and that the President is required to ask for a declaration of war, and the Congress then votes to approve or disapprove the request.
Reference is to politics- that the person that controls military force (the barrel of the gun) controls all.
Which political party controls the U.S. Congress?
The US Mint.
US Military.