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It was the first war in history that was fought world-wide, in many places around the planet, by a large number of nations.

It involved MILLIONS of men, and the death toll was in the MILLIONS! also.

It was the first war that saw the use of airplanes, and poison gas, and mass attacks by waves of men on foot, attacking the enemy's trenches.

At the time, it was hoped that it would be " The War that would end all Wars", but that wasn't the case. As you are probabbly aware, wars are still happening.

Young men went too! Many didn't return! WW1 went from 1914 to 1918! 4 years in total!well 4 years and a bit to be precise.

World War One was a conflict that lasted from 1914-1918. It invovled a number of countries from every continent. It was the first total war. Other conflicts had seen concepts of total war, but World War One was the first conflict where a nation(s) mobilized their entirety into destroying another. This war was fought on land and sea and in the air. States were brought together to work as one in order to better their war effort. Millions of men were shipped off to war and women took their places on the homefront. The war was effectively started by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand while touring in Sarajevo, Bosnia. This was just the spark that ignited a myriad of precursors that started the war. The major countries and their respective alignments were Germany, Italy, Austria and England, France and Russia. The United States was brought into the war in 1917 when the H.M.S Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat in the Atlantic. Many Americans lost their lives and since it was never under government service, the U.S. saw this violent action as contrary to international law. This effectively brought the American war machine into the fray. The first armistice was signed by Bulgaria on Sept. 29, 1918 and the last was signed by Germany on Novermber 11. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919.

WWI got started because a teenager killed a ruler.

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15y ago

WWI was caused by the conflicts in Europe. Before the war started, there was already a conflict in Europe about who owns which lands. It officially started when a Serbian assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne. When they declared war on each other, Russia worried that its trade route would get destroyed, so it allied with Serbia. Germany told Russia to back off, but Russia didn't listen, so Germany allied with Austria-Hungary. Next, since France had a alliance with Russia, Germany asked if France was going to join the war. When France didn't respond, Germany declared war on France. However, to invade France, Germany had to go through Belgium. When the King of Belgium refused to let the German soldiers through, Germany declared war on Belgium. Afterwards, most of the countries in Europe joined the war because of their alliences. The U.S. joined the war in 1917 because:

1.Germany sank the British steamship Lusitaniawhich had many American civilians on board.

2. Germany sent a telegraph to Mexico, asking it to join the war on its side. To convince Mexico to join the war, Germany promised to give it the land back that it lost to the U.S.

3. Germany sank 3 American ships, killing millions.

4. The Allied Powers were losing because Russia dropped out of the war because of its own war.

WWI ended with the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty punished Germany and formed the League of Nations. The people in the League of Nation would talk things out to prevent future wars.

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10y ago

World War one (also known as The Great War) became what is known as a war of attrition - each side basically trying to exhaust the other. The main reason for armies setting up trenches - "digging in", rather than making quick assaults was - train time tables. Back in the early 1900's, HQ relied on railways to move their troops to locations. Cars were new and expensive to run, so army generals relied on using trains to move troops to and from locations. Why couldn't they make a quick assault? Because it was much easier to defend than attack - why? Because; once the train lines stopped, troops would need to march many miles a day to make a successful assault, and by that time, most men would be to fatigued to be able to fight properly. And so the Great War became a war of attrition.

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13y ago

World War 1 is one of the most important and destructive event in world history, with mass losses, from each side. It was World War I which made clear the fact that there are a lot to be done for world peace to be kept safe.

The beginning of World War 1 is an example of how "one thing lead to another". The spark that caused the outbreak of World War 1 was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. He was executed by members of the Serbian society Black Hand. This event caused a chain of reactions which led to World War I.

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10y ago

Correction: WHAT is World War One?


It is also known as the First World War or the Great War. The World War One is the first ever global war to occur in history. It lasted from 28 July, 1914 until 11 November, 1918. Approximately 7 million civilians and more than 9 million combatants died in the war. The World War One fulfilled the biblical prophecy mentioned in Matthew 24:6 in the Holy Bible.

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15y ago

A world war is a war that involves many nations. The two that occurred included nations from much of the world.

World War I, 1914-1918 started once Serbian nationalists assassinated Franz Ferdinand, who was the archduke of Austria.

The First World War was fought between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Allied Powers mainly included Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and from 1917, the United States. The Central Powers included Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Turkey.

The First World War was mainly fought in the trenches. Trench warfare is where each army has a vast system of Trenches, and the front line moves when a trench is "Hopped". A Trench is hopped by the commander ordering soldiers to literally jump out of the trench, and try to jump into the next enemy trench. For the soldiers jumping, this was pretty much suicide.

The Allied Powers won after much fierce battle in Europe. Germany was forced to sign the treaty of Versailles, which limited the amount of arms allowed.

The Second World War started after the large tensions that were in Europe after the Great War (World War One). Adolf Hitler seized control of Germany, and started the build up of arms.

In 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France had said they would defend Poland if Germany invaded, so War was declared on September 1, 1939.

Germany then started to march across Europe with a war tactic called Blitzkrieg. Blitzkrieg, literally "Lightning War", is the use of air power, then utilizing ground troops to conquer the land.

In 1940, France fell. Britain was now defending the free world with, literally, under 300 people. These were the fighter pilots that defended England during the Battle of Britain. Once Germany lost the Battle of Britain, the Operation to Conquer Britain was cancelled.

ON December 11, 1941, Japanese forces bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This decimated the United States Pacific fleet. The "day of infamy", as American President Franklin Roosevelt called it, caused the U.S.A. to declare war on Japan. Then, shortly after, Germany declared war on the U.S.A.. Now, Britain had an ally.

The U.S. Air Force moved into England to start winning back Europe. Over the war, a system of American daylight bombing raids and British night raids was developed. In May, 1945, V-E day was celebrated, Victory in Europe day.

In the Pacific, the Americans "Island Hopped", attacking Japanese islands one by one. The tide was turned with the battles of Midway and Guadalcanal, which marked the start of the American advance.

In 1945, the U.S.A. forced the surrender of Japan with the dropping of two atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, Japan. This marked the end of World War Two, and the start of the Cold War, a nuclear arms race between the U.S.A., the Soviet Union, and the rest of the world.

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10y ago

World War I officially began on July 28, 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after Serbia declined Austria-Hungary's ultimatum.

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What was World War One?

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