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"Air Marshal" is only a rank in the Indian Air Force (IAF). The highest rank attainable in the IAF is "Marshal of the Indian Air Force" conferred by the President of India only after exceptional service (Equivalent to Field Marshall in the Indian Army). MIAF Arjan Singh is the only officer to have achieved this rank. The head of the Indian Air Force, called the Chief of the Air Staff, is currently Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Arjan singh is the current air marshal of Indian air force

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Q: Who is the air marshal of the Indian Air Force?
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Who is the air marshal of Indian air force?

"Air Marshal" is only a rank in the Indian Air Force (IAF). The highest rank attainable in the IAF is "Marshal of the Indian Air Force" conferred by the President of India only after exceptional service (Equivalent to Field Marshall in the Indian Army). MIAF Arjan Singh is the only officer to have achieved this rank. The head of the Indian Air Force, called the Chief of the Air Staff, is currently Air Chief Marshal Fali Homi Major.

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