Ambrose Burnside led the raids that distracted Confederate troops, enabling General Grant to land his troops south of Vicksburg.
The defeated Confederate cmmander, John C. Pemberton.
Vicksburg. It split the Confederacy in two, isolated the forces to the West of the river, and denied the enemy the use of this important waterway for the movement of men and materials. By ending the war in the Western theatre, it released Grant for important work in Tennessee.===================================================Falling to the Union forces after a 40 day siege, the Confederate defeat at Vicksburg is considered a major turning point in the Western theater of the Civil War. When the Confederate garrison surrendered their fortifications on July 4th, 1863, the Union military gained complete control of the Mississippi River.
The Civil War battle of Vicksburg was precipitaed by Union ironclads attempting to blockade Confederate shipping on the Mississippi River. Vicksburg is situated on a bluff overlooking the river, and provided an excellent location for Confederate gun emplacements capable of destoying Union ships. For this reason, General Grant chose Vicksburg as his starting point for his campaign in Mississippi. He chose to take Vicksburg from the east, overland, as most of it's defenses were focused toward the river.
Ambrose Burnside led the raids that distracted Confederate troops, enabling General Grant to land his troops south of Vicksburg.
Perhaps one telling factor on the South's value of Vicksburg lay in their choice of generals that were there to defend the city. Confederate General Pemberton was given command of Vicksburg, however, he was never considered to be a top Confederate general.
The Union Generals at the Siege of Vicksburg were Ulysses S. Grant and David D. Porter, while the Confederate general was John C. Pemberton.
After the fall of Vicksburg, Jefferson Davis was outraged at Confederate General Joe Johnston. Davis blamed Johnston for his failure to prevent the capture of Vicksburg. Davis issued to Johnston a fifteen page letter that accused him of interpreting orders to suit his own ideas and for making excuses as to why Vicksburg could not be saved. Johnston replied to Davis on each point of criticism.
Lieutenant General John C Pemberton commanded the Confederate Army of Mississippi at Vicksburg. Major General Ulysses Grant led the Federal Army of the Tennessee.
The defeated Confederate cmmander, John C. Pemberton.
When it became finalized that Confederate Joseph Johnston would try to save Vicksburg, he sent a message to General Pemberton informing him of his plans. Johnston planned on attacking the Union troops surrounding Vicksburg on July 7, 1863. Johnston sent the message on July 3, 1863. Pemberton received it after Vicksburg had surrendered.
General Lee played no part in the Seige of Vicksburg. The Confederate commander was Pendleton. General Lee was 900 miles away in Pennsylvania fighting at Gettysburg.
Ulysses S. Grant was the general who was responsible for taking the Mississippi River. During the Vicksburg Campaign, Grant gained control of the river, a major Confederate defeat. Grant and Confederate Lt. General Pemberton clashed in the Battle of Vicksburg.
The Confederate garrison at Vicksburg.
Despite his failure in keeping Vicksburg from falling, Confederate General John C. Pemberton was not blamed for it by Confederate President Jefferson Davis. There was, however, no command available to him so he resigned. He remained loyal to the South, however, and the Pennsylvania born Confederate later accepted a commission of lieutenant colonel in the Confederate artillery and served there until the end of the war.