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Q: Who said after 15years of despair a great people is back on its feet?
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Who Wrote the Quote To Despair is to turn your back on God?

I believe that comes (oddly enough) from the L.M. Montgomery book Anne of Green Gables. Anne: Can't you even imagine you're in the depths of despair? Marilla: No, I cannot. To despair is to turn your back on God.

What does utter despair mean?

It means depression and hopelessness, usually one that the person doesn't believe that he or she can recover from. Utter despair is sometimes when people give up, because they are down so far that they can't see any way back up. Utter just means the most extreme... so there can be utter bliss, as well as utter despair.

What advice does Okonkwo's uncle give him?

Okonkwo's uncle gives Okonkwo several pieces of advice.Do not despair simply because you are in exile.If you die here (in Mbanta), you will never be a great man.It is wrong to despair because you are in exile and refuse to be comforted by your motherland.His duty is to comfort his wives and children and take them back to his fatherland in seven years.His mother's kinsmen are now Okonkwo's kinsmen.Never kill a man who says nothing (said to people in general).

What does despaired mean?

It means depression and hopelessness, usually one that the person doesn't believe that he or she can recover from. Utter despair is sometimes when people give up, because they are down so far that they can't see any way back up. Utter just means the most extreme... so there can be utter bliss, as well as utter despair.

What is your great great great great great great grandfarthers name?

You have to go back eight generations to find out your great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather's name. Most people do not know this name.

Who are some memorable people back then?

Well back then isn't very specific but you have people like Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser, Sacajawea, Rosa Parks and so on.

What revives their spirits in and then there were none?

In "And Then There Were None," the characters' spirits are briefly revived when they realize they are not completely alone on the island and when they come together to confront their situation. However, as more people are killed, their hopes are dashed and they fall back into despair and fear.

What was life like for back people during the great depression?

Life for back people during the depression was rough. They were mistreated and hated because of the fact that they had only backs and no arms

Who your ancestors?

Your ancestors are all of the people from whom you are "descended" : your parents, their parents, their parents' parents, and so forth back through the generations. Because each person has two biological parents, the number of people in your immediate lineage is VERY large : you have 1024 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents, going back ten generations or about 250 years. The collection of your ancestors, their siblings, spouses, and offspring, is called your "family tree".

What was the cause of the great deprssion?

the stock marcket crashed,people held there money, and didnt pay back the government back the money they owed them,=)

What was roosevelts reaspones to the Great Depression?

FDR's response to the Great Depression, was to restore America's economy and put faith back into the people on their country.

What construction job was created as an attempt to get people back to work during the great depression?

Hoover Dam