

Who was Field Marshall Kluge?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Field Marshall Kluge was a Prussian military leader. He came from a family of military leaders and was a staff officer with a high rank during the battle of Verdun.

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Q: Who was Field Marshall Kluge?
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Is Field Marshall higher than General?

It would depend on which 'army' you are referring to. Generally, a Field Marshall is the highest rank in an army.

Was Marshall Field a Robber Barron?


Who was the German Field Marshall during world war 2?

Field Marshall (Generalfeldmarschall in German) was the highest rank a German officer on the battlefield could achieve in the Wehrmacht (Defense force in German, which consited of their army, navy, airforce, and Waffen SS). There was several of them, usually in command of an army group. I'll list them to the best of my knowledge: Erwin Rommel, Friedrich Paulus (the only field marshall in Germany's history to surrender), Erwin von Witzleben, Werner von Bloemberg, Walter Model, Erich von Manstein, Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist, Fedor von Bock, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Gerd von Rundstedt, Wilhelm Keitel, Ernst Busch, Günther von Kluge, Wilhelm List, Walther von Brauchitsch, Walther von Reichenau, Eduard von Böhm-Ermolli, Maximilian von Weichs, Erwin von Witzleben, and finally Ferdinand Schörner. I'm pretty sure I covered all of them, please make corrections if any of these are wrong. Karl Doenitz and Erich Raeder were the equivalent of the field Marshall. Also I do not believe that the German Navy had a "field Marshall" as you stated but a grand admiral which is the equivalent of the former.

Who in World War 2 became the youngest German general to be promoted to the rank of Field Marshall?

Erwin Rommel

What does a field marshal do in the army?

In some militaries, Field Marshall is the highest rank - basically equivalent to the highest ranking General of militaries which don't have the rank. They're basically top dog in that military.

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Who was Marshall Field?

Field Marshall Kluge was a Prussian military leader. He came from a family of military leaders and was a staff officer with a high rank during the battle of Verdun.

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Yes, when he ordered Field Marshall Von Kluge and what was left of his armies in the Normandy are to attempt to push the Allies into the sea, a huge turning point in the war because it in turn cause Von Kluge to commit suicide for his Fuhrer and also because the Fuhrer lost many men that he could have used to fight another day

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Marshall Field's was created in 1852.

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Marshall Field's ended in 2006.

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Marshall Field's. See link below.

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Marshall Field was born on August 18, 1834.

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Marshall Field was born on August 18, 1834.

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Marshall Field died on January 16, 1906 at the age of 71.

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Marshall Field IV was born on 1916-06-15.

When was Marshall Field III born?

Marshall Field III was born on 1893-09-28.

When did Marshall Field IV die?

Marshall Field IV died on 1965-09-18.