Sandra Bullock Sarah Bernhardt Steve Buscemi Sonny Bono (real first name Salvatore) (Sonny and Cher) Sarah Brightman Susan Boyle Sam Brownback (politician) Steven Bauer (actor) Sara Bareilles Shirley Booth (actress, TV's "Hazel")
Cerebral hemorrhageYes, but it should also be added that his death occurred in London with his young English mistress present. Gitta Serny in her exhaustive bio on Speer mentions that he admitted this affair to her and that she thought he was a different man - happy, carefree - compared to the man she had been interviewing over the years. She chalked up the affair as a good thing - a freeing of his constrained psyche, if you will.I mention this because the fact is usually glossed over and I think its very relevant if you read anything about Speer. This behavior was a huge break with his former way of life and almost leads one to believe we may have learned a lot more about his true knowledge during the Nazi era had he lived longer.
The Boers were Dutch settlers in what is now South Africa. When Britain laid claim to South Africa, a war started between the Boers and the British. That war is known as the Boer War. The British won.
Some Americans opposed the initial proposal of draft deferment because they were not in favor of deferment. The main reason for their opposition was that they opposed deferment. During this time period many Americans felt that the deferment was something that they should be opposed to. Because they were opposed to deferment, some Americans, felt the need to oppose deferment, they did this to oppose the deferment, in order to show that they opposed deferment. The following people are historical figures that were opposed to deferment: John Locke, Kate Austin, Jin Kwon, Sun Kwon, Hugo Reyes, Claire Littleton, Jack Shepard (not to be confused with Jack Bauer), Benjamin Linus, Richard Alpert, James Ford, Charlie Pace (of DriveShaft), Desmond Hume, Sayid Jarrah, Charles Widmore, Daniel Faraday, Michael Dawson, and Jacob. (REAL ANSWER) Seriously though, Americans opposed deferment for many reasons, mainly because it allowed people to "chicken out" of fighting for their country, and the people who did this are referred to as "draft dodgers" (REAL ANSWER) "What Happened?" Sayid Jarrah
* John A. Lejeune * Chesty Puller * Victor H. Krulak * Pappy Boyington * Bull Halsey * Chester Nimitz * Merritt A. Edson * John Basilone * Alexander Vandegrift * Joe Foss * Harold Agerholm * Richard Anderson * Hap Arnold * Kenneth Bailey * Harold Bauer * Lewis Bausell * Charles Berry * Richard Bong * Alexander Bonnyman, Jr. * William Bordelon * Omar Bradley * Richard Earl Bush * Robert Eugene Bush * William Caddy * George Cannon * Anthony Casamento * Justice Chambers * Darrell Cole * Henry Courtney, Jr. * Anthony Damato * Albert David * James Day * Jefferson Deblanc * James Doolittle * Robert Dunlap * Aquilla Dyess * Dwight Eisenhower * Henry Elrod * Gerald Ford, Jr. * Robert Galer * Harold Gonsalves * Ross Gray * Henry Gurke * William Halyburton, Jr. * Dale Hansen * Robert Hanson * William Harrell * Louis Hauge, Jr. * William Hawkins * Arthur Jackson * Douglas Jacobson * Joseph Julian * John Kennedy * Elbert Kinser * John Leims * Fred Lester * Jack Lummus * Douglas MacArthur * George Marshall * Harry Martin * Leonard Mason * Robert McCard * Joseph McCarthy * Robert McTureous, Jr. * Sadao Munemori * Douglas Munro, USCG * Audie Murphy * John New * Richard Nixon * Robert Owens * Joseph Ozbourn * George Patton * Wesley Phelps * George Phillips * Francis Pierce, Jr. * Everett Pope * John Power * Charles Roan * Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. * Carlton Rouh * Donald Ruhl * Mitchell Paige * Albert Schwab * David Shoup * Franklin Sigler * Luther Skaggs, Jr. * John Lucian Smith * Richard Sorenson * Tony Stein * James Swett * Herbert Thomas * Clyde Thomason * Grant Timmerman * George Wahlen * Kenneth Walsh * William Walsh * Wilson Watson * Hershel Williams * Jack Williams * John Willis * Louis Wilson, Jr. * Robert Lee Wilson * Frank Witek. If there are a few names that seem like unknowns it is because they are probably US Marine Medal of Honor winners and hopefully all of the US Navy Hospital Corpsmen that served with the Marines. Happy Veterans Day and Semper Fi.
Gitta Bauer died in 1990.
isle baumgart
Gitta Blond was born on May 25, 1986, in Hungary.
Gitta Saxx's birth name is Gitta Sack.
Gitta is grid in english
Gitta Connemann was born in 1964.
Gitta Mallasz died in 1992.
Gitta Mallasz was born in 1907.
Gitta Steiner was born in 1932.
Gitta Alpár was born in 1903.
Gitta Alpár died in 1991.
Gitta Gsell was born in 1953.