The first rival of the Provisional Government was Leninâ??s secret police. This group was also known to many in the country as the Cheka.
Carol Moseley Braun's father, Joseph Moseley, was a Chicago police officer and her mother, Edna, was a medical technician in a hospital. Both of her parents were Catholic
yes .. yes he did, he was Anne Frank's father's friend . he called the police about them and then they got captured. some people think he didn't ,but most of the people think he did.
Germany's secret police were the "SS". 2nd world war Germany's secret police was " Gestapo " you can pronounce like gastapo.
Many Canadians, especially Quebecers, thought that the federal government of Canada reacted very uneccesarily to the cicumstances by allowing police to do pretty much what they wanted. Many were arrested without legitimit cause, and many thought the police took advantage of this act. The act was put into place to contain the seperatist situation, but instead, it fueled seperatism in Quebec further.
# call the police # # call the police #
Call the police for help.
call the police
call the police
File a police report and have him arrested.
You could call the police.
You can file a report at your local police department.
Call the police like anyone else would do?
The malefactor was caught stealing from the store and was promptly arrested by the police.
Yes. The police is funded by the government.
The same thing you do about anyone else stealing it. You would have to file a police report and prosecute him.