Lyndon Johnson was the one who escalated the conflict into a full scale war. However, Eisenhower sent in military advisers and Kennedy deepened the US commitment to the keeping a non-Communist government in Vietnam.
The First Vietnames War was an effort to remove Vietnam from colonial rule by France. It ended at Dien Bin Phu, however by this time tht US was already involved as a result of such things as the CIA's assistance with such things as "Air America" which had provided air transport and delivery elements during that conflict. The Second Vietnamese War or the Vietnamese- American war was simply a continuation of the conflict. US Forces were introduced as advisors to the South Vietnamese Military and the situation slowly and gradually increased. The end resulst was a unified Vietnam under Communist control. i guess that's okay. i would say to prevent the spread of communism. from the American point of view.
Because he was a badass... okay?
I think the steps to making an official war are the folllowing:sign a treaty or contractthen you must be sure that the war is okay wih congressyou also must not be stupidThese are a couple of steps I think should be made before declaring a war. I took a guess at this so if they are wrong I'm sorry I tried my keep a safe democracy
propaganda, he made them feel better than Jews
Hitler comes to power, takes a lota minor countris, Britain and France are okay with it, Geremany needs to fuel its economy so it invades Poland, then invades France cuz France plus Britain declare war on geramny, , oya before invasion of France, invades Norway for sum iron, allies with Romania and Italy plus japan, japan does attack on pearl harbnor, while Germany conquers 2 thirds of russia, sum of north afrika, meditteranean, conquers crete plus Greece, turning point in war, invasion ion siscily, D-Day, invasion on France, counter attack in russia, Germany loosing on all fronts, theyre screwed the end
okay hoza
okay if vice dies the president would still be the same.
16 attack 7 defence and 10 balance The attack is very high and the defence is low balance is okay!
He okay but. He had sex with his wife and he raped his dog
yes it is,he won the election fair and square
The united states president in 08-09 is barack obama!!!!!! ummm okay
he has only has serve injuries
There is no benefit to sacrificing Earthly life to an inanimate object.
Slavery fueled sectionalism because it gave the idea that separation was okay. It gave the idea that one group can be powerful over another.
Martin Van Buren, 8th President: 1837-1841• The term "O.K." is credited to Van Buren
it would be messed up if they gave you a ticket