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About one half of the American people.

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16y ago

Communist North Vietnam .

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Q: Who was the Vietnam war against?
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Related questions

Richard Nixon was for or against the Vietnam war?

Richard Nixon was against the Vietnam War!

When was Vietnam Veterans Against the War created?

Vietnam Veterans Against the War was created in 1967.

Why was the Vietnam war considered a Civil War?

because it was north Vietnam against south Vietnam

What was the Vietnam War against?

Against Communist North Vietnam's take over of the Republic of South Vietnam.

When was American Writers Against the Vietnam War created?

American Writers Against the Vietnam War was created in 1965.

Who started the Vietnam war America or Vietnam?

North Vietnam started the war against South Vietnam; the US went to the aid of the South.

Who was for or against the Vietnam War?

Many who didn't have to fight the war, were for it. Many who had to fight the war, were against it.

Why did Australia begin a protest movement against the Vietnam War?

Because they are against war.

What war was the US involved in from 1963 to 1975?

The Vietnam war. Or the Resistance War Against America.

Why do they do war?

The war in Vietnam was part of the Cold War; a war against communism.

How was the war in Vietnam related to the cold war?

Both were against communist aggression. The cold war was no shooting; Vietnam was shooting.

Who was the Vietnam war agianst?

North Vietnam/VC against the US/allies.