The role of the CSA was to set up their own nation. CSA stands for Confederate States of America or simply the Confederacy. It was set up on February 8, 1861.
There were three battles: 1. James Negley (US) & Edmund K. Smith(CSA) 2. John Wilder (US) & Daniel Hill (CSA) 3. Ulysses Grant (US) & Braxton Bragg (CSA)
The CSA .
family history
Short answer: No, can't declare war on yourself. Long answer: The whole purpose of the Civil War was for a new nation to be created, the Confederate States of America. If Lincoln had declared war on the CSA, then he would be recognizing that new effect the CSA just got what they wanted...a new nation (because President Lincoln just declared war on the Confederate States of America...therefore THEY EXIST AFTERALL!)
Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of America when the Confederate States of America (CSA) formed. The first and only President of the CSA was Jefferson Davis.
The only President of the CSA was the Great Jefferson Davis.
Abraham Lincoln was President of the United States of America when the Confederate States of America (CSA) formed. The first and only President of the CSA was Jefferson Davis.
CSA President Jefferson Davis.
Jefferson Davis was the president of the CSA.
The two leaders were President Abraham Lincoln of the USA and President Jefferson Davies of the CSA. The main generals were Ullyses Grant of the USA and Robert E Lee of the CSA
Abraham Lincoln was the Union President. Jefferson Davis was the CSA President.
Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln Only Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky and became the US President and Jefferson Davis was born in Kentucky and became the only President of the CSA.
Jefferson Finis Davis
Not close. Jefferson Davis was the only president of the CSA. Abolitionist John Brown was put to death in 1859 for his raid on Harper's Ferry .
President of the Confederate States of America (CSA). The first Confederate Congress appointed Davis as the "provisional president" of the CSA. Later that Congress elected him to a six year term.
1861 after the convention that formed the CSA voted him into office.