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US President Dwight Eisenhower (Intelligence gathering for US involvement) US President John F. Kennedy (Special Forces (Green Beret) US President Lyndon B. Johnson (US Ground Troops) US President Richard M. Nixon US President Gerald Ford SEN Robert Kennedy AMBASSADOR Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr National Sec. Advisor McGeorge Bundy National Sec. Advisor Henry Kissenger Secretary of Defense Robert M. McNamara GEN Paul Harkins GEN William Westmoreland GEN Creighton Abrams COL George S. Patton (Son of WWII Gen. Patton) GEN James Stewart (Actor Jimmy Stewart, GEN USAF) Glen Ford (Actor Glen Ford, USNR) Bob Hope (US entertainer for WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm) John Wayne (US actor, visited Vietnam to support troops, made first positive war film to support the troop, "The Green Berets") Martin Luther King (civil rights movement leader, made speeches concerning the Vietnam War) South Vietnam Pres. Nguyen Van Thieu South Vietnam Vice Pres. Nguyen Cao Ky (GEN and fighter pilot) US GEN Maxwell Taylor

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16y ago

Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. National Security Advisers McGeorge Bundy & Henry Kissinger Senator Robert Kennedy Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara GENERAL's Maxwell Taylor, Curtis LeMay, Paul Harkins, William Westmoreland, Creighton Abrams. COLONEL's Starry, Robin Olds, Harry Summers, George S. Patton Jr. (Son of WWII George S. Patton).

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Here are a few: * Your relief so that you get to go home to Stateside. * The man on your Left. * The man on your Right. * The man covering your backside. * The man on point. * The Corpsman or Medic. * The Dust-Off Crew. * The Spooky or Puff the Magic Dragon Crew. * The crews of all the supporting arms providing covering fire. * The Radio Operator who calls in any of the above when you need it.

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Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap for the North Vietnamese and Robert McNamara and William C. Westmorland for the US.

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Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, McNamara, Westmoreland, Abrams, Maxwell taylor, Senator Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Ho Chi Minh.

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Mr. Whitmire

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Aces Cunningham, Ritchie, and Olds.

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Q: Who were important people in Vietnam War?
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Why do people believe the Vietnam war is becoming the forgotten war?

If people do not learn from history (Vietnam) then they are doomed to repeat it.

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Napalm bombs were used in the Vietnam War and killed a lot of people.

What year did people get drafted for the Vietnam war?

Americans were drafted into the Vietnam War in 1965.

How many people in the Air Force fought in the Vietnam war?

60,000 people in the war fought the air force of vietnam.

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Hawks which were the people who were for war including the Vietnam war.

What is important to share about he Vietnam war?

Not to repeat mistakes.

Who was the important person in the war in Vietnam?

lee wang