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There wasn't any real fighting between the two super powers during the cold war. The two powers were the United States and The Soviet Union (Russia). There was a lot of spying and testing each other but no real fighting.

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The U.S. and U.S.S.R

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United States


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The United States and the Soviet Union

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Q: Who were the 2 superpowers during the cold war?
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What were the 2 opposing superpowers during the cold war?

US and USSR.

What two superpowers led the Cold War after World War 2?

The Soviet Unioon and the United States.

After World War 2 the US and Soviet Union emerged as the world's two what?

They emerged as the two superpowers. They both were very strong and showed their strength in World War 2. The power of these two superpowers led to the Cold War.

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to decrease the tension during the cold war

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The period of detente was during the middle of the Cold War in the 1970s which involved the United States and the Soviet Union. It is defined an easing of relations between the 2 superpowers.

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The United States and the Soviet Union were the Superpowers after World War 2.

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The Eastern Bloc of EuropeThe Cold War for 50 years

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no only during ww2

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After WWII Both the united states and russia became superpowers.

What caused the cold war to escalate during the post world war 2 Prd?

the cold wars

What superpowers were allies in World War 2?

U.S, & Russia.

After World War 2 which 2 countries were involved in the cold war?

Firstly, they weren't countries they were 2 "Superpowers" of The USA (America) and The USSR (Russia), the war is considered "Cold" due to the fact that there was no actual fighting involved between the two, merely wars that they meddled with, Korea and Vietnam being prime examples.