Participated is not exactly the term I would have used. The Holocaust wasn't a quick game of racketball, but I'll take your question at face value. The quick answer is the Germans (or to be more strictly correct, the German National Socialist or "Nazi" party who, for a variety of reasons, some racial, some financial, and some without reason at all, wanted to remove all Jews from the world in their extermination camps. What is less well known is that before the Jews, the Nazis wanted to rid themselves of all undesirable breeding stock, because their "master plan" was to selectively breed a race of blond-haired, blue-eyed men who looked like the Norselandic Gods that they believed were their ancestors. So like I said, before the Jews, Hitler emptied all the mental asylums and sent the patients off to the camps. Then he rounded up the gypsies, and off they went too. Phil
There were many people who were part of the Holocaust. There were many who were persecuted, the Jews for the most part, but also the disabled and whoever else the Germans saw inferior to themselves. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis were also part of the Holocaust. Hitler believed that the Jews and Comunists were the reason for all of Germany's problems. As a result, he told the Nazis to get rid of the Jews.
The Soviet Union, and the US
World War Two was a major contributor to the Holocaust. Under the shadow of war, many things could be done, many laws could be passed that would not have been allowed during a time of peace.
the participants were rome and trojan
More than 6 million Jews and a like number of non-Jews were killed. Millions more emerged with major injuries and horrific memories. Today there are more living "Schindler Jews" around the world, than Jews in Poland. In 1939, there were 3 million Jews in Poland.
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Adolf Hitler
The major participants or social actors in industrial relation are workers and their unions, employers and their associations ,and government and its agencies. In the nutshell, we have workers, employers and government as the main participants.
The major participants of the European part of WWII.
- Descriptive - Operational - Others
The Soviet Union, and the US
Mr. Methven was a major participant.
aushwitz crakow Berlin
The major parties during the holocaust were the Nazi party, which ran Germany; Germanic Jews, who were taken as prisoners by the Nazis; and the Allies, (America, Britain, France, Russia)
Nazi Germany was under Nazi German control during the Holocaust.
Mostly in country sides or abandoned places.