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One armband issued in WW2 Germany was either a black or dark blue armband with a white eagle & swastika/wreath and under the eagle was Reichspost . The Reichspost was the postal service for the country.

Some photos show the uniform with a patch of the same design instead of an armband.

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Q: Who wore a Nazi armband that was blue with the white eagle and swastika embroidered on it?
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How much would an unsoiled genuine swastika armband sell for?

It depends on what type of armband. There is over 10 types of swastika armbands. Is it just red with a white circle and black swastika? Is there anything else? Need more details....

What is the name of the German flag in the world war 2?

The flag emblems in Germany during World War I included the iron cross, the swastika, and the Imperial Eagle. The coat of arms of the German Reich included the Imperial Eagle.

Did they have the swastika in World War 1?

No, the Swastika was the symbol of the Nazi party. The party was formed after the great war by disaffected men unhappy at the perceived injustice of the treaty of Versailles and what they saw as the weak Weimar republic. Yes, the Swastika was used in WW1 by various units. The Swastika was an ancient symbol and the American Indians used it as a good luck symbol. The US 45th Infantry Division wore a shoulder sleeve insignia that included a Swastika because of its association with Oklahoma Indians. (Later it became a Red Diamond with a Yellow Swastika which was changed to a Yellow Thunderbird at the outbreak of WW2---because of its association with the Nazi's.) The Swastika was painted on several WW1 aircraft. One of France's leading Ace had a large swastika painted on the sides and top of the fuselage behind the cockpit. The Lafeyette Escadrille, composed of Americans who volunteered to fly for the French, had the head of an Indian Chief painted on their aircraft and on the bonnet was a small swastika. The Finnish national insignia was a Blue Swastika but I'm not sure if it was used during WW1 or after. During WW2 the Finnish national insignia painted on their aircraft was a white circle with a Blue Swastika. It may have been used in WW1.

Why Did Hitler choose the Swastika to be the Nazi Symbol?

The symbol_first_originated_in_India_and_was_common_in_Buddhism,_Janism,_and_Hinduism._It_was_also_latter_found_in_Native_American,_and_roman_cultures._Hitler_chose_it_because_he_believed,_incorrectly,that_those_in_India_were_of_aryans_decent">The symbol first originated in India and was common in Buddhism, Janism, and Hinduism. It was also latter found in Native American, and roman cultures. Hitler chose it because he believed, incorrectly, that those in India were of aryans decent

What does the broken cross of Hitler mean?

卐Adolf Hitler's Swastika (Hakenkreuz), when the Nazi Party was created, originally meant to "be a symbol of our own struggle" (Mein Kampf, pg. 495) [In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white, the nationalistic idea, in the swastika, the struggle for victory] It was a symbol of peace and good luck until the early 1940s, when it became twisted into a symbol of hatred. But most cultures still recognize the Swastika as a religious symbol for all that is good. But the swastika dates back to ancient religions (Buddhism, Hinduism...just to name a few) I hope this helps you.

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How much would an unsoiled genuine swastika armband sell for?

It depends on what type of armband. There is over 10 types of swastika armbands. Is it just red with a white circle and black swastika? Is there anything else? Need more details....

What is the meaning of a Nazi armband that is yellow with a black swastika on a white disk and black striping?

Was was the Waffen SS Armband.CommentIf this is a genuine armband, then it is highly unusual. If it was red, not yellow, then it describes the SS (not Waffen-SS) armband. If this is seen in a colour photograph, the colour may have faded.

Why does the nazi swastika have a red background and a white disc?

You are describing the Nazi Party armband or other emblem. Those colors were the Germany national colors. The typical infantryman's helmet had the National Eagle painted on one side and a shield with the National colors on the other side. Only the SS and Military Police had a shield with the swastika emblem. So the 3 colors, red white & black, are the national colors which were used by the Nazis to make their emblem.

What is the birth name of White Eagle?

White Eagle's birth name is Edwin White Eagle.

What was the color and symbol of their German flag?

Red & Black & white. The Swastika was the symbol.

What was the official Flag of Germany during World War 2?

It was a black swastika in a white circle on a red background. The swastika was a universal sign of peace in Ancient Civilizations. The German National Socialist Workers Party adopted it, turned it 45 degrees on end and used it as their party symbol. Ever since it has been associated with the German National Socialist Workers Party. However, there were different variations for different branches of the service.

When was White Eagle Aviation created?

White Eagle Aviation was created in 1992.

What is the Name for a White tailed sea eagle?

The white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), is also known as the ern, erne, grey eagle, or the Eurasian sea eagle

How do you make a cm punk armband?

take 2 white tensor bandages and use permanint marker and draw X's on them.

When did Order of the White Eagle - Serbia - end?

Order of the White Eagle - Serbia - ended in 1945.

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