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Answer 1:

Hitler knew that he couldn't win. He could see that his 'perfect empire' wasn't going to succeed and he realized that it was only a matter of time before his enemies caught him and killed them himself, perhaps in an undesirable way.

Answer 2:

He had more enemies than friends, it is a myth that he killed himself just after he overheard some of his NAZI buddies discuss how they were going to kill him

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Because he knew that he had done a terrible thing, he knew that everyone was after him there fore he took a pill then shot himself to make sure he was dead!

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Did Adolf Hitler shoot himself?


What caused Adolf Hitler to shoot himself?

He considered the alternative.

Did Hitler shoot himself in his basement?

Adolf Hitler shot himself on April 30th 1945 in his bunker in Berlin. He also poisoned himself and his wife as far as we know. He shot himself in the head.

Were did adolf Hitler shoot himself?

Hitler shot himself in his right temple as he bit on a cyanide capsule to ensure he would die. he got caught by the British as well.

How was he killed and how old was Hitler when he died?

Adolf Hitler shot himself at the age of 56

Who shot adolf hitler?

As far as we know, Adolf Hitler shot himself.

What actors and actresses appeared in Adolf Hitler - Wahlpropagandafilm - 1938?

The cast of The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler - 1958 includes: Eva Braun as herself Adolf Hitler as himself Westbrook Van Voorhis as Narrator Paula Wolf as Herself, the younger sister of Adolf Hitler

Did mossolini kill Adolf Hitler?

No Hitler Killed himself

What gun did Adolf Hitler shoot himslef with?

Walther 6.35mm

Why did Hitler father shot himself?

Hitler's father did not shoot himself.

Did Adolf Hitler shoot himself when the Cold War was happening?

No. Hitler died at the end of WW2. The cold war began in the 1950's. Hitler had been dead several years. Neither had anything to do with the other.

What Happned to Adolf Hitler?

He killed himself.