Well the main reason was to make sure they had enough food to go around, the Germans were destroying ships coming to Britain to supply and import food, so they had limited food, so had to share it to go around.
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In Britain rationing lasted 14 years. From 1940 to 1954. In Western Germany rationing lasted 15 years.
8 January 1940 Britain started to ration butter, sugar, eggs and bacon. Meat rationing started on 11 March that year and clothing was added to the list of things that were rationed later.
the reason is that Britain went through a massive devastation and needed time to recover that is why rationing was still going on after the war.
Yes, and the last items didn't come off rationing until 1954 - 9 years after the war ended.
rationing was seen ans a good thing as many people benifited from rationinf everyone got some food to fill them selves up during the war where as there are some parts that people saw rationing as a bad thing
Rationing happpend in Britain
The cast of Rationing in Britain - 1945 includes: Mary Welsh Monks as Commentator
In Britain, rationing actually got tougher after WWII.
In Britain rationing lasted 14 years. From 1940 to 1954. In Western Germany rationing lasted 15 years.
1939 everyone in Britain was issued with a rationing book (in World War 2 )
8 January 1940 Britain started to ration butter, sugar, eggs and bacon. Meat rationing started on 11 March that year and clothing was added to the list of things that were rationed later.
Clothes (and all textiles) in Britain were rationed from 1941 till 1949.
the reason is that Britain went through a massive devastation and needed time to recover that is why rationing was still going on after the war.
Yes, and the last items didn't come off rationing until 1954 - 9 years after the war ended.
The significance of rationing was to save food. The food that was saved was sent to the soldiers fighting in World War 2
The government because everyone in Britain was poor sadly nobody could afford to buy everything