After world war one countries from all over the world held a peace conference in paris. (Germany was not invited) the countries decided that it was Germany's fault for causing WW1 and they had caused the most damage during this period. they then forced Germany to sign the treaty of Versailles. in this document it said that Germany must pay reparations for their actions etc.
From1933 to 1939, Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement. In 1933 Hitler wanted to rearm, although forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. At a conference, Hitler said, "I will unarm if you do so too." He was allowed to by Britain as the treaty was said to be 'unfair'. They also ignored the remilitarisation of the Rhineland as Britain, France and the League of Nations were dealing with the Abyssinian crisis. They ignored his Anschluss with Austria and helped him gain the Sudetenland in order to appease him. Britain may have done this to give them time to rearm after the great depression and WW1, or Neville Chamberlain may not have realised that Hitler was not to be trusted, and that each demand was not his last one, as he kept promising. However in 1939 when he invaded the whole of Czechoslovakia, they realised, and ended appeasement.
Britain and France gave in to Hitler's demands for the Sudetenland. Czechoslovakia was not present at this conference, and it should be noted that this land contained key heavy industries, as well as 3 million GermansIn September 1938 Germany, Britain, France, and Italy met in Munich to decide what action, if any, to take concerning German demands for territory in Czechoslovakia. This conference came to be known as the Munich Conference. While there, Britain and France decided to allow Germany to annex the areas near the German border (the Sudetenland). Hitler said that it was his "final demand" in Europe.The action of Britain and France is regarded as appeasement.
On September 1st 1939, German troops invaded Poland on the orders of Adolf Hitler. Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland and demanded that German troops withdraw from Polish territory. The German government ignored the demand, so at 11.00am on Sunday 3rd September 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany. The recording of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain declaring war is quite moving.Germany wanted to move East to get their land back that they lost after World War 1. They had conquered a few nations and then came the time to invade Poland. Britain and France promised Poland protection if they get in trouble with the Germans, so when Germany did invade Poland, Britain and France had no other choice but to declare war on Germany.World War 2 had begun.Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland. On September 1st 1939, German troops invaded Poland. Britain and France issued an ultimatum to Germany saying that if German troops didn't withdraw from Poland immediately, 'a state of war would exist'. Germany ignored the demand so at 11.00 am on September 3rd 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.The German invasion of Poland in 1938.
he committed suicide.
The topic is still controversial and also more complicated than at first appears. Already in the 1920s many British politicians felt that the Treaty of Versailles (1919) had been too harsh and were prepared to consider amending the treaty in Germany's favour. In fact, in the 1920s and early 1930s the reparations burden on Germany was reduced. Germany was admitted to the League of Nations, and Britain and France also withdrew all their occupation forces from the Rhineland in 1930, earlier than originally scheduled. In particular, Britain was willing to 'redress legitimate [German] grievances'. Obviously, the original intention was to make concessions to a democratic Germany on the basis of negotiations, but from 1933 onwards Britain (and France) found themselves giving in to bullying from Nazi Germany. The key acts of appeasement are generally regarded as these:1935 - Failure to 'do anything about' the reintroduction of conscription (compulsory military service) in Germany. Germany also announced that it already had an air force and intended to build more warplanes. Britain came to an agreement with Germany about the respective size of the British and German navies.1936 - Under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the Rhineland was demilitarized. The area remained part of Germany, but the Germans were not allowed to have troops or fortifications there. In 1936 Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland, and France and Britain merely protested. They would have been justified in throwing the German troops out by force.1938 (March) Germany invaded Austria though the Versailles Treaty forbade any union between the two countries.1938 (September, Munich Agreement) Hitler demanded the Sudetenland, that is the German-speaking areas of Czechoslovakia along the border with Germany (and what had been Austria). The British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, pressurized Czechoslovakia into handing these areas over to Germany. Hitler promised that he would make NO further territorial demands in Europe. The aim of course was to maintain peace. One needs to bear in mind that in Europe the First World War (1914-18) had been utterly traumatic, and there was no enthusiasm for another major war, especially in the democracies. The key problems were these: Throughout, Britain and France were reacting to events. It seems that there wasn't really a British 'policy' in any ordinary sense of the word. Britain and France never took the initiative. This encouraged Hitler to demand more and more. The unintended result was a kind of triumphal march for Hitler through the 1930s.There was a failure to grasp the speed, the dynamism of Hitler's policies and actions.There was also a disastrous failure to understand the nature of extreme German nationalism and its potentially boundless demands. There were hardly any people in high office in Britain with a knowledge of German or of Germany. One of the few exceptions was Alfred Duff Cooper, who was the first member of the government to speak out publicly against Nazi Germany (September 1933). He was First Lord of the Admiralty (Navy Minister) at the time of Munich Agreement in 1938 and resigned in protest.It was wrongly assumed that Hitler essentially a reasonable man and that one could do business with him.Appeasement failed. In March 1939 Germany occupied the rest of Bohemia and Moravia (the western part of Czechoslovakia). It was at this point that, without consulting any colleagues, Chamberlain suddenly offered a guarantee to Poland, which was obviously the next country in line for Hitler's plans for expansion. When Hitler went to war against Poland, he didn't really expect Britain to go to war, and was unpleasantly surprised. Time and again, people say that Britain (and France) 'should have done something', 'should have stopped Hitler' and so on. However, this is meaningless without saying **what** they should have done. A resolution by Parliament condemning Germany wouldn't have 'stopped Hitler'. [This answer needs to be continued when I have time. Joncey]
Unconditional Surrender
A demand that Germany pay large war reparations
If you are asking about World War II, Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland which stated that if Poland was attacked, Britain and France would come to its aid. On September 1st 1939, German troops invaded Poland. Britain and France demanded that Germany should immediately withdraw its troops from Poland. The German government ignored the demand so on September 3rd 1939, Britain and France simultaneously declared war on Germany.
German troops attacked Poland on Septemer 1st 1939. Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. But also before that, Germany had been taking and bringing other countries into the Third Reich. France was conquered in as little as 6 weeks which showed how well Germany's army was built.
That's a strange interpretation of history! In the late 1930's, Britain and France had a defence agreement with Poland which stated that if Poland was attacked by another country, Britain and France would come to its aid. On September 1st 1939, German troops invaded Poland without warning. Britain and France then issued an ultimatum to Germany saying that if they did not immediately withdraw their troops from Poland, 'a state of war would exist'. Germany totally ignored the demand to withdraw, so on September 3rd 1939, Britain and France jointly declared war on Germany.
According to some, appeasement was reasonable because Great Britain and France were in no shape to fight another war with Germany. The only other option was appeasement, which allowed Germany to take control of the Sudetenland. Some say that it encouraged Germany to demand even more, but to most officials in France and Great Britain, appeasement was the most reasonable solution.
I'm not sure, they wanted Germany to restrict it's territorial demands. Chamberlain returned to Britain hailing 'Peace in our time'. On a scale of 1 to 10 in being wrong it scores 11.
On September 1st 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France had a defense agreement with Poland and demanded that German troops withdraw. Germany didn't respond to the demand so on September 3rd 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.Actually, it was Hitler who declared war (again). England and America prepare for war because they thought it wouldn't end that easily.Because Germany invaded Poland with whom Britain had a mutual defence pact.
On September 1st 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France had a defense agreement with Poland and demanded that German troops withdraw. Germany didn't respond to the demand so on September 3rd 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.Actually, it was Hitler who declared war (again). England and America prepare for war because they thought it wouldn't end that easily.Because Germany invaded Poland with whom Britain had a mutual defence pact.
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but the way Britain and France gave in to Hitler's demands was called Appeasement.
'we propose to demand the whole cost of the war from Germany' he believed that Germany should pay reparations. this led to inflation for Germany. === === this is all ive got!!
The end of the war between Britain and France.