the Nazis put there flag on the Hindenburg because the nazi built that blimp and traveled into America
President Hindenburg's death gave Hitler the opportunity to seize total power in Germany by elevating himself to the position of Führer, or absolute leader, of the German nation and its people.
36 people died on the Hindenburg.
His main political opponents were the Social Democrats. They convinced Hindenburg to run for re-election in 1932 as Germany's president. But eventually Hitler was named Chancellor in 1933, and the Nazis gained complete power beginning in 1934.
9000000000 people can fit on the Hindenburg
He was the president of Germany before the Hindenburg was made. He helped Hitler become the leader of Germany. In dedication to him, Adolf Hitler named the Zeppelin Hindenburg.
Eckener wanted to to hide it from the Nazis.
Appointed as chancellor because Hindenburg thought he could control Hitler and the Nazis. Putted as leader when Hindenburg died
If they could have gotten any, they would have put helium in the Hindenburg.
'hilter was voted by the people of Germany' is correct but rather vague,President Hindenburg made him chancellor after telling Hitler just weeks before 'how will i answer to god if i make you chancellor'. Hindenburg did this out of the German benefit and Hitler was voted positively. Hindenburg did not want this but the German people did, and Hindenburg couldn't refuse otherwise he would have looked like a terrible president.Expanded:President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler chancellor after much hesitation (due to the fact that Hindenberg simply didn't like Adolf Hitler, or the Nazis. He ran for President under no party, but leaned toward the conservative side). In the end it came down to the threat of communism, and Hindenburg feared that the Nazis were the only party strong enough to protect Germany's middle class. - j
Transporting passengers to the U.S. & Propaganda.
flag of Sudetenland in old chec repub during rise of nazis 1919
The Hindenburg was a commercial airship operated by the Zeppelin Company to provide transatlantic passenger service. While the Nazi Party used the Hindenburg and other airships for propaganda purposes, they were not military aircraft nor were they operated by the Nazis. (Also, the Nazis did not like the fact that the airship was named after Paul von Hindenburg). During 1936, the Hindenburg made 17 roundtrip flights across the Atlantic, including 10 to the United States.Travel on the Hindenburg was very comfortable and luxurious--much more enjoyable than transatlantic air travel today. It was expensive, though, and Hindenburg passengers frequently included famous people and celebrities.It is important to understand that Germany was not at war with the United States (or anyone else) during 1936. However, the United States did refuse to sell helium to Germany during this period. Had the Hindenburg been filled with helium, rather than hydrogen, the fire and crash at Lakehurst, New Jersey, would not have occurred.
The symbol of David in the flag was the same as that which the Nazis made the Jews in Europe wear on their clothing as a badge of Jewish identity.
1.5 million children were killed by Nazis.
Hindenburg putted Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in 1933 because he thought, he could control Hitler and the Nazi Party.. Hindenburg wanted control because Hitler and most high ranked Nazis at the time made orders to the SA to cause chaos and riots through Germany.
A right-facing 45° rotated swastika was incorporated into the Nazi party flag, which was made the state flag of Germany during Nazism.
Put them in gas chambers.