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The SA wore brown coats because it was a part of their uniform.

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Q: Why did Nazis where brown coats?
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Compared to what? Cattle with black coats? Brown coats?

What coats do possums have?

Possums have fur coats in various shades of grey, with some species tending to brown.

What Color Coats and Marking does Santa Clauses Reindeer Have?

Light brown

What companies produce brown pea cots?

Burberry produces several brown pea coats. A brown pea coat can be expensive if one purchases from Burberry, typically around $2,400.00 for a Brown wool Angora Pea Coat. Cheaper brown pea coats can be purchased from Lord & Taylor, 6PM, and Patriot Surplus.

What return policy does Walmart have for their brown coats?

All items including brown coats can be returned up to 90 days after purchase. The brown coat should be returned in its original packing so make sure you store the packing just in case a item has to be returned.

How do you spell natsies?

If you are referring people believing brown hair blue eyes are superior it is spelled nazis

Do Malayan tapir have hair?

Coats are short, reddish brown to grey to nearly black

In what colors do tweed coats get sold?

Tweed coats get sold in many different colors just like other jackets. Many of the colors that tweed coats come in would be colors like brown, tan, black, yellow, red, and blue.

Who did the brown shirts follow?

Hitler. The Brown Shirts were pretty much what people called Nazis when they first started appearing.

What color are Burmilla cats?

Burmilla cats have coats that can be white, silver, black, brown, blue, or tan.

Does Macy's carry mens' brown leather coats?

Yes, but not always. They are bound to have their best selection of leather coats in fall, and may have very few or none in summer. But, of course, this varies from season to season.

What kind of animal with brown long shaggy coat and does not climb trees?

Buffalo, moose, and Irish Setters are animals with brown long shaggy coats who don't climb trees.