Congress thought the attack was unprovoked. When in reality, it was.
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
After the naval engagements in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964.
The passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution occurred due to sea battles in the Tonkin Gulf between the US Navy and the North Vietnam Navy.
The date of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution was August 7th, 1964.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was signed by Congress, which allowed the President to send US troops to aid in military conflict without officially declaring war.
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which was passed by Congress in 1964.
The August, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
07 August 1964.
Tonkin gulf Resolution
After the naval engagements in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964.
Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (officially, the Southeast Asia Resolution, Public Law 88-408) .
the gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution