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They probably blamed the Jews---they blamed them for everything wrong with their country. Many felt the German miliary and political leaders were traitors for surrendering. That may explain why many German officers killed themselves rather than surrender during WW2.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Because of the Treaty of Versailles that was written after the WW1.

Germany was branded the only culprit to the war, and wasn't allowed to be present when it was signed.

Also Germany lost big parts of the countries they had taken over, AND had to pay a huge sum of money as a punishment to the war.

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9y ago

Germans largely were surprised because the war in the east against Russia had been going well, ending with an advantageous peace for Germany and with the fall of the Tsarist regime in 1917. From then on, the German troops that had served in the east were now available to support the troops on the western front, so many Germans must have thought that they (and their highly regarded eastern commander Ludendorff) might be the deciding factor in the fight against the Allied positions there.

But Ludendorff quickly found that trench warfare was totally different from the open plain-battles he had been fighting in the east. His efforts at offensive action failed completely against well-entreched artillery guns, barbed wire and machine guns.

Moreover, the German economy became increasingly unable to much longer support the war effort, and dwindling manpower reserves made it impossible to properly rest or replace the fronline soldiers. It was then that the Allies could start pushing back the German lines. The effect of America's arrival in the war was largely psychological: the Germans realized that while they were scraping the bottom of the barrel, the Allies would now have vastly superior reserves to draw on.

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13y ago

Because the Ludendorff offensive failed and allied troops were able to push through so they surrenderd. (Also civilian Germany faced depression with lack of supplies due to British blockade

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15y ago

They couldn't get supplies to them and they soon surrendered planing another attack.

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