Cottonocracy refers to the wealthy class of Southern cotton plantation owners who held significant political, economic, and social power in the antebellum South. This elite group amassed their wealth through the production and trade of cotton, which was the dominant crop in the region. The cottonocracy played a key role in shaping the economy and culture of the South prior to the Civil War.
The ones fighting for the South - the cotton-growing slave-states.
Southern democrats appealed to small farmers after the Civil War because they wanted to get the farmers to see that building roads would end in higher taxes. They also wanted to get the farmers to see that the higher taxes would happen if schools were to be built.One way in which Southern Democrats appealed to small farmers was by arguing that the construction of new roads led to higher taxes. They made the same argument in terms of building new schools.
The southern United States could not build factories to manufacture cotton before the Civil War because cotton is a natural fiber that is grown from a seed. The cotton gin, however, was invented by Eli Whitney to aid in picking the cotton.
N&S Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee. (Probably more)
English textile mills depended on Southern cotton. England later began growing cotton in Egypt.
"Cotton is King!"
Following the Civil War, the reunited Southern states faced extreme inflation of currency and debt. Because of this lack of funds, many farmers could not afford to diversify their crops (plant crops of different kinds). This, in addition to the exploitation of southern farmers by northern textile industries, lead to a growing dependence on cotton, despite its dropping prices on the world market. In other words, your answer in plain English is cotton. Hope this helps =)
Cotton. Befor the Civil War, the Southern States were the world's biggest cotton exporters.
southern colonies
cotton because of the cotton gin.......................i think
Southern farmers historically depended on crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugarcane for their livelihood. These crops were labor-intensive and required large amounts of land, as well as the labor of enslaved individuals before the Civil War. The economy of the southern states was largely driven by agriculture, and the success of the crop harvests determined the financial well-being of many farmers.
The cotton Kingdom is a cotton-producing region of the southern United States up until the Civil War.
The invention that had a huge impact on the economy of the southern US before the Civil War was the cotton gin. Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry by automating the process of removing seeds from cotton fibers. This boosted cotton production and made it more profitable for southern planters, solidifying the region's dependence on slave labor and leading to the expansion of cotton plantations.
Cottonocracy refers to the wealthy class of Southern cotton plantation owners who held significant political, economic, and social power in the antebellum South. This elite group amassed their wealth through the production and trade of cotton, which was the dominant crop in the region. The cottonocracy played a key role in shaping the economy and culture of the South prior to the Civil War.