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Lee chose to withdraw from Petersburg in order to meet up with General Joseph Johnson. However, General George Meade of the Union Army intercepted the column and Richmond soon fell. This led to the surrender at Appomattox not long after.

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Q: Why did lee withdraw from petersburg?
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Who was the general that defeat lee at petersburg?

U.S. Grant

Who was the confederate general of the battle of petersburg?

General Robert E. Lee was in overall command of the Confederate forces at the battle of Petersburg.

Where did grant and lee meet?

Appomattox Court House near Petersburg.

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What was the purpose of the Union siege of Petersburg?

In order to capture the Confederate capital city of Richmond, Grant wanted to cut the railway supply line that ran from Petersburg Virginia, north to Richmond. So far repeated Union attempts to take Richmond had failed. At least three or more Union tries at this goal were repulsed. Both Richmond & Petersburg we well fortified. Since attacking Petersburg seemed impossible with Confederate General Lee commanding the defence of both cities, Grant decided to lay siege to Petersburg in order to hope for a surrender. Almost 10 months passed before the siege succeeded. Because of the length of the siege, Lee had no choice but to withdraw from both Richmond & Petersburg. Grant cut the supply lines to Richmond. With Lee gone Grant;s forces were finally able to take Richmond. Lincoln, who had waited years to have this done, paid a visit to the captured city.

Who won the Battle at Petersburg?

The Siege of Petersburg was a decisive Yankee victory and sent General Lee into hiding. This battle lasted 10 months.

Who won at the battle of petersburg?

The Siege of Petersburg was a decisive Yankee victory and sent General Lee into hiding. This battle lasted 10 months.

Why did general lee leave virginia and Petersburg?

Because after the Battle of Five Forks, on Apr. 1, 1865 and the breakthrough of his front, Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia were about to be encircled. Therefore he decided that Petersburg and Richmond had to be evacuated.

Where did Grant defeat Lee?

At the siege of Petersburg, Virginia on 15 June 1864.

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Where did General Lee serrender?

Appomattox Court House, near Petersburg, Virginia

When was Brandon Lee Tenney born?

Brandon Lee Tenney was born on October 25, 1986, in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.