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General Giap wanted to distract American forces as he prepared to launch the Tet offensive.

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They wanted the South to become a communist nation.

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Q: Why did the North Vietnamese attack the Marine base at Khe Sanh?
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What was the Marine base that was trapped for 77 days?

Khe Sanh, during the Vietnam War.

What was the most major battle in the Vietnam war?

The first major battle in the war took place in the Ia Drang Valley, memorialized in Hal Moore's Book "We Were Soldiers - and Young." It was the first significant use of helicopter warfare tactics against North Vietnamese Army Regulars. It proved the battlefield superiority of helicopters in combat. Secondly, the January 30, 1968 TET (Chinese New Year) offensive proved a major battle. Although the attempt to cause a major uprising among the people throughout South Vietnam failed, and the U.S. Military forces stopped the North Vietnamese campaign, American News Media portrayed the conflict as a 'proof that America was losing the war.' Between December, 1967 and April, 1968, the North Vietnamese seige of the Marine Corps combat base at Khe Sanh proved to be another major conflict. The dug-in North Vietnamese insurgents were routed 5-7 April 1968 by the U.S. First Cavalry Division to end the siege.

What was Khe Sanh?

Of the four Military Regions (MR) in South Vietnam, MR1, better known as I Corps (I Corps, II Corps, III Corps, and IV Corps are also known as MR1, MR2, etc.) was the hottest. It contained regiments of NVA. III Corps and IV Corps were primarily VC territory. Obviously fighting the NVA was tougher and far more dangerous. Khe Sahn was in I Corps. Khe Sanh also happened to be in a dangerous portion of I Corps; close to the Laos border (where NVA could stage attacks and withdraw back they had tons of equipment available to them there). In these AOs (Areas of Operations) the NVA seemingly conducted "search and destroy" missions...hunting for GIs. In the slang of the times, "here, the NVA hunted for you!" This set the stage for the siege. Next NVA General Giap wanted to make an example out of the Marine base at Khe Sanh. He was the right man for the job, for it was he that did in the French at Dien Bien Phu 14 years earlier. Giap was going to repeat the process against the Americans. But then President Johnson (LBJ) found out about Giap and his plans and launched an all out campaign to prevent Giap from repeating his past victory against the French. As LBJ stated, "I'll not have no da-- Den Ben Foos!" LBJ sent US Army reinforcements, but more importantly he ordered B52s to saturate the surrounding zones around Khe Sanh. No matter what you read, no matter what you hear, it was the B52s that saved Khe Sanh. Giap defeated the French, but he couldn't defeat the B52s.

Who won the battle of siege at khe sahn?

The US Marines at Khe Sanh won because Khe Sanh did not fall to the NVA. At Khe Sanh, General Giap intended to repeat his success against the French Army at Dien Bien Phu fourteen years earlier, but the siege failed because the US managed to supply Khe Sanh by air and provide tactical air support for the defenders, whereas the French air link to Dien Bien Phu was tenuous at best after that siege began.

Who was the leader of the Viet Minh movement?

The most common field leader, known to most people during the war, was General Giap, who had defeated the French in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu, and then laid seige to the US Marine Base at Khe Sanh in 1968. GEN Giap was not a "guerilla leader", but a high ranking general in the North Vietnamese Army.

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What was the Marine base that was trapped for 77 days?

Khe Sanh, during the Vietnam War.

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North Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh North Vietnamese GEN Giap (Battle of Dien Bien Phu against the French in 1954, and Battle of Khe Sanh against the US in 1968) South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu South Vietnam Vice President Nguyen Co Ky (GEN and fighter pilot)

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War Stories with Oliver North - 2001 Siege at Khe Sanh 1-9 was released on: USA: 3 February 2002

What was the most major battle in the Vietnam war?

The first major battle in the war took place in the Ia Drang Valley, memorialized in Hal Moore's Book "We Were Soldiers - and Young." It was the first significant use of helicopter warfare tactics against North Vietnamese Army Regulars. It proved the battlefield superiority of helicopters in combat. Secondly, the January 30, 1968 TET (Chinese New Year) offensive proved a major battle. Although the attempt to cause a major uprising among the people throughout South Vietnam failed, and the U.S. Military forces stopped the North Vietnamese campaign, American News Media portrayed the conflict as a 'proof that America was losing the war.' Between December, 1967 and April, 1968, the North Vietnamese seige of the Marine Corps combat base at Khe Sanh proved to be another major conflict. The dug-in North Vietnamese insurgents were routed 5-7 April 1968 by the U.S. First Cavalry Division to end the siege.

When was Huynh Sanh Thong born?

Huynh Sanh Thong was born on 1926-07-15.

When was Jao Sok Jao Sanh created?

Jao Sok Jao Sanh was created in 2006.

When did Battle of Khe Sanh happen?

Battle of Khe Sanh happened on 1968-01-21.

Why did the Vietnamese Tet offensive mark a dramatic turn in the war?

The Tet offensive marked the moment when what had been seen as a manageable overseas conflict turned into something much more messy. The assaults launched by the Viet Cong against the South Vietnamese and their US Military allies in early 1968 were a military fiasco. But the size of the offensive, the dramatic increase in US troop numbers it triggered, and the consequent loss of life on all sides, weighed heavily on US public opinion. The offensive also involved a draining battle for the Khe Sanh airstrip, used as a US Marine base. Khe Sanh became a symbol of the war's futility, abandoned as it was in June 1968, deemed to be of no strategic worth

Why did the vietnamese tet mark a dramatic turning point in the war?

The Tet offensive marked the moment when what had been seen as a manageable overseas conflict turned into something much more messy. The assaults launched by the Viet Cong against the South Vietnamese and their US Military allies in early 1968 were a military fiasco. But the size of the offensive, the dramatic increase in US troop numbers it triggered, and the consequent loss of life on all sides, weighed heavily on US public opinion. The offensive also involved a draining battle for the Khe Sanh airstrip, used as a US Marine base. Khe Sanh became a symbol of the war's futility, abandoned as it was in June 1968, deemed to be of no strategic worth

Why was it important for North Vietnam to take over khe Sanh?

The NVA hoped to capture Khe Sanh which would have been a major asset to the North for having unbridled access to their logistical lifeline known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail . Over-running the Khe Sanh base would have been a major morale booster to the North reminiscent of their victory over the French at Dien Bien Phu (13 March - 7 May 1954) . It would have been a psychological blow to American resolve to continue the war and would have fed the protest movement at home .

Where is Khe Sanh?

Northern I Corps. It is located in North Central Vietnam. It is located 39 Miles west of Dong Ha. It was the site of one of the bloodiest battles during the Vietnam War. For more info see:

What happened Khe Sanh?

there was a humongous masacre of the vietnamese by the US navy. many innocent people were killed