The country was far to big and Hitler didn't plan for the sub zero temperatures which froze up the Nazis wepons, transport and demoralised the men because they didn't have any winter clothing.
Hitler did not fail entirely, he completed all his goals in restoring Germany and became one of the greatest political leaders of all time, however he did not accomplish all his goals including that of eradicating all those that were not part of the "perfect" Aryan race. Consequently, he is not a failure, he just didn't have time to complete all of the things he set out to.
The Third Reich failed for many reasons.
First: With the "Final Solution" they diverted troops from the front lines to sweep the Reich for Jews. Even when the Germans were retreating they murdered Jews.
Second: Hitler openly declared war on Russia. What Hitler didn't anticipate was the large number of Russians in the Red Army. Stalin had 51.7 million soldiers in the duration of the war and ended at 6 million soldiers by the end of World War 2. The Germans couldn't handle that with 2 other fronts going on at the same time.
Third: The night of D-Day, Hitler ordered that he should not be disturbed that night. When the allies invaded they couldn't move SS, Wehrmacht, and Panzer reinforcements without Hitler's Orders. By the time Hitler awoke that morning, the allies have already formed a front.
Forth: Hitler ordered his forces to retreat out of France to regroup on the German border. This gave the allies to send reinforcements and tanks. The Tanks are the ones who pushed the front closer to the heart of the Reich. By allowing the allies to send tanks, he sealed his doom.
Fifth: The German Kriegsmarine (Navy) was not managed correctly. There battleships were used to attack convoys, not military targets {90% of the time} The Battleship Bismark sunk the H.M.S. Hood. The Kriegsmarine was mostly U-Boats, about 1,260 of them.
Sixth: Germany had little oilfields. To make gasoline they used captured oilfields from Russia. When the Germans were pushed back they lost those oilfields, therefore loosing tanks and mobile units to use. The Luftwaffe towards the end of World War 2 created a super powerful jet fighter. This fighter needed fuel that the Germans just didn't have. With that, the Luftwaffe was no more.
Seven: The new weapons program was hindered from the start. Hitler thought that bigger was better. He created large guns that had to be put on a new type of railroad track. They were slow and inefficient. However if fired, the gun can level entire cities. The New Panzers were too big, so they were slow and heavy and most bridges couldn't handle them. The Jet fighters were turned into bombing fighters. The V-2 rockets were a success, but not used as much as they could. If the V-2 rockets were used for another year on Britain, Germany would have won the Battle of Britain. The V-3 rocket was a failure. It was a shell fired and then other shells fired at it while it was in the tube to increase it's speed to make it to England. The timing was really bad, and often blew holes in the tube.
Eight: Invading Africa was a waste of time, munitions, tanks, and soldiers.
There were many other reasons, but I cannot explain them all.
He had only one real failing - his absolute belief in himself - in himself as infallible and that his prejudices were 101% accurate.
His personal desire to invade Russia (operation Barbarosa) was the biggest failure and mistake of WW2. It prompted many of the German officers to try to assassinate him. And was by far the biggest contributing factor to Germanys defeat.
The Third Reich was in control of Germany.
Hitlers government was called the Third Reich
The name of the armed services of the Third Reich was Wehrmacht.
Third Reich Hitler wanted to call the new German Reich.
The Third Reich was also referred to as the 1000 Year Reich.
Hitler's regime was officially known as Deutsches Reich (from 1933-1943) and Großdeutsches Reich (from 1943-1945). The term Drittes Reich (Third Reich) was never an official term and only used occasionally by the Nazis for propagandistic purposes.
The Third Reich was in control of Germany.
Inside the Third Reich was created in 1982.
The Third Reich - novel - was created in 2010.
third Reich
Hitlers government was called the Third Reich
The Third Reich - novel - has 288 pages.
The duration of Inside the Third Reich is 4.17 hours.
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer , "The Coming of the Third Reich"/ "The Third Reich in Power"and "The Third Reich at War"by Richard J. Evans , "The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS" by Heinz Zollin Hohne and "The Third Reich: A New History" by Michael Burleigh .
The name of the armed services of the Third Reich was Wehrmacht.
The Man Who Invented the Third Reich was created in 1999.
Third Reich Hitler wanted to call the new German Reich.