It made slavery a central issue. It split the party into two factions.
The Whig Party (whose final collapse was the result of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 - since Southern Whigs joined the Democrats in supporting it, but Northern Whigs opposed it)
The ultimate goal was development of each mandate toward eventual independence.
The government used the Espionage Act to counter the loss of enthusiasm and opposition to the war at home. The act made it illegal to do, publish, or say negative that would hurt the war effort.
Douglas authored the Kansas-Nebraska Act which angered Northerners because it would make slavery legal in the two aforementioned states. This act was the main cause for the formation of the Republican Party. With the Republican party came the election of Lincoln, resulting in the secession of many southern states.
kansas nebraska act
The Whig Party
The Whig Party
The Whig Party
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
the agency of the whig party
The creation of a new United States political party named the Republican party came about over the dispute over the Nebraska - Kansas Act. The Whig party had been a uniting force between the Northern and Southern States. The new Act brought on a political uproar. Based on North & South Whig party disagreements, it was dissolved. Part of this process resulted in the creation of a new party the Republican party. It was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson.
Most historians cite the passage of the Kansas - Nebraska Act to have caused the collapse of the US political party known as the Whigs. The Whigs split off into the Republican Party and the Know - Nothing Party.
The passage of the Kansas - Nebraska Act effectively made the last Missouri Compromise a mute one. It is said to have broken up the Whig Party into the new Republican Party and the Know Nothing party.
Millard Fillmore is the 13th President of the United States. His major failures, according to some historians, are: signing of the Fugitive Slave Act into Law and by not providing a strong leadership for the Whig Party.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act is said to be the cause of the Whig Party to dissolve. The Whigs had previously united the battling interest groups in the North and the South. Southern Democrats and Northern Democrats also split apart. As many southerners and northerners could no longer use the Whigs as a uniting party, the Whigs fell apart.