Orange is the color of the Dutch royal family. The Netherlands were invaded by Germany in May of 1940, but showed opposition. An Orange flag would ultimately say to any allied powers "Germans are not here, the town is safe".
the first flag flied in world war 1 and 2
the phillipines
Planes used to fly at night in World War 2 because when it was dark, the bomber's were able to see who had their lights on clearly - making a perfect target.
He flew in France
electric shocks from thunderstorms
the first flag flied in world war 1 and 2
it is bad to fly a flag when its war, because it just is
The US flag, the New York State flag (the blue flag), and the New York City flag (the blue, white, and orange flag).
Traditionally, one flag, one nation.
the phillipines
They fly a different flag, because they are a different country, now if they were the same country, they would fly the the US flag.
Symbolic; we lost the battle...but not the war!
It is not illegal to fly a tattered flag, but it is considered disrespectful. It is recommended to replace a tattered flag with a new one to show proper respect for the flag and its symbolism.
Technically, they are on their own soil, so no, they don't have to fly our flag. Just as our embassies don't fly their flag.
British flag
When somebody has died.