Desert rats have long tails to help dissipate heat and provide balance. They also have large ears which allow more heat to escape their bodies.
the Desert Ratsthe Desert Rats
They adopted it after the Jerboa, or "desert rat", a resident rodent.
The Desert Rats were specifially the 7th Armoured Brigade within the 8th Army in North Africa in WW2 fighting against Rommels' Afrika Korps. Their symbol is the jerboa, a desert rat. They went on to Italy, and fought in the D Day offensive in Normandy & the Rhine crossing in 1945.
The term desert rats was coined from the Seventh Armoured Division, a group of British soldiers who helped defeat the Germans in North Africa during World War II. The Desert Rats, led by General Allen Francis Harding, were especially noted for a hard-fought, three-month campaign against the more experienced German Africa Korps, led by General Erwin Rommel.
The 7th Armoured Division, aka "Desert Rats", wore a patch that was a BLACK square with a RED rat with a long tail. There was also a Brigade that wore a similar patch with a GREEN desert rat image. The square RED patch with a silouette of a BLACK cat is the patch for the 56th 'North London' Infantry Division. I think this is the patch that you refer to. For an example of this patch, see this link.
Rats, regardless of gender or breed, have tails as long as their body.
their tails their tails
I don't think desert-adapted animals have long tails. They generally try to stay as small as possible to avoid massive heat build-up.
Many of the small animals that have pointed noses and long tails are rodents. That means that these animals include mice and rats.
Yes DEFANTLY a rats tail is way longer a gerbles is only as long as you thumb-nail (mostly)
Kangaroo rats (desert rats) eat mostly seeds from desert plants and some vegetation when available.
Mice and Rats are rodents.
it has small ears so it loses heat easilyA Desert Rat, has extremely good hearing, and it has excellent sight so that it can be active at night when it is dark.
The duration of The Desert Rats - film - is 1.47 hours.
they both have tails
The Desert Rats - film - was created on 1953-05-08.