A country will rebuild slowly after a war. Once everything has settled down, they can start to clear the debris and rebuild the homes and businesses that have been destroyed. It will take time, but it will get done when the country is ready.
During the world war 2 the british was fighting with the middle east countries the other coutries were asked to help some countries such as british asked help for indians and muslims in ww1
Proving wich country is the best,thats why they fight.
This really did help because all of the money that the U.S. provided using the Marshall Plan was really helping Europe. They went all those years during world war 2 blowing other countries up. Many countries were very poor from all that. I mean, look at Germany! All these countries put forth all of their money to help fight and win the war. But everyone ended up losing in the end. Some countries were very poor because of all that. All the money that we put forth solved their ecomnomic worries. Besides, it would help us in the long run. There were no more world wars after that. Atleast for now. And we get a lot of oil from them.
well some crazy things happend and that would freak some other countries out and make them want to do what ever they felt like. monkey see monkey do.
what are some ways in which caricom countries can help each other
Help Of Some Diffrent organigation.
They help trade
People rebuild after a natural disaster to restore their homes, communities, and way of life. It gives them a sense of hope, resilience, and the opportunity to rebuild stronger infrastructure to withstand future disasters. Additionally, rebuilding can also help revitalize the local economy and create jobs.
Other countries, especially America, did absolutely nothing!
Foreign direct investment is something some countries do to try to help other countries. These investments help the economies of the countries and help the people get out of poverty.
some accepted them as migrants.
During the world war 2 the british was fighting with the middle east countries the other coutries were asked to help some countries such as british asked help for indians and muslims in ww1
They invaded other countries to gain new territory
some countries were trying to help but others didn't care what was going on they were just happy they were not involved
Some countries are richer than others.
Other countries, or your mother's bedroom. Other countries, or your mother's bedroom.