It was the code name for the invasion of Normandy. if you have more questions regarding ww2 please email me at i will most likely be able to answer any of your questions.
It was when the allies invaded Germany at Normandy so they could try to overthrow Germany.It took place on June 6,1944.if you have more questions regarding ww2 please email me at i will most likely be able to answer any of your questions.
The impact would be that the allies had a secure Beach head at the end of the day.Which then let them spread out and eventally conquer the all mighty German Army.if you have more questions regarding ww2 please email me at i will most likely be able to answer any of your questions.
The toaster was invented before World War I, which lasted from 1914 to 1918. An electric toaster was invented in 1893, but it was not commercially successful. A successful electric toaster was invented in 1909, also before WWI. But the pop-up toaster was not invented until after WWI, in 1921. So it is likely that refinements of the toaster invention were continuing during the war.
Excellent comment. More than likely most, probably at least 8 out of 10 of these questions are from students who have an assignment on the subject, and not wanting to read the whole "wiki" or "google" page simply want a quick answer so that they can satisfy the minimum requirement of the school; then go out do something else (entertainment or socializing). The worst part of the whole thing is, is that 90% of their questions are not about the war at all. The questions are POLICTICAL...such as "who was the president?", "what party were they?", "what was the weather like?", "what did the people at home think about the war?", or the very worst question of them all, "Why was the US fighting in Vietnam? (or what was the Vietnam War?)" Its the worst question because the introduction to this website ANSWERS that question! So it shouldn't be asked at all. The quality of the questions is a direct reflection on the educational system. Which, at its face, appears to be in need of much improvement.
Likely Churchill.
It depends on whether electricity is necessity or luxury. In the US where electricity is a necessity, the demand is likely to be inelastic In Africa where electricity is luxury, the demand is likely to be elastic
The likely word is "continuing" (going on, ongoing).
The likely word is the adverb necessarily (of necessity, unavoidably).
Churchill's lack of enthusiasm makes it seem as if he is uninterested in the outcome of the war.
continuing and adult education centres
Continuing the war was becoming too expensive.
They are more likely to be answered well.
If you give your questions more information, then you're more likely to get a proper answer to your questions.
A person's perception of whether a good is a necessity or a luxury can influence their buying behavior. If they perceive a good as a necessity, they are more likely to prioritize purchasing it regardless of their financial situation. On the other hand, if they see a good as a luxury, they may only buy it when they have extra disposable income or when they want to treat themselves.
yes she build a relation ship between customer
key concepts.