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He says that British Dominion countries agree with Britain's decision go to war.

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8y ago

To stop Adolf Hitler's Nazis Germany from ruling over all of Europe and Russia.

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Continue Learning about Military History

What was D Day was the code name for?

It was the code name for the invasion of Normandy. if you have more questions regarding ww2 please email me at i will most likely be able to answer any of your questions.

What is D-Day and when did this event take place?

It was when the allies invaded Germany at Normandy so they could try to overthrow Germany.It took place on June 6,1944.if you have more questions regarding ww2 please email me at i will most likely be able to answer any of your questions.

The impact of D-Day on the course of the war?

The impact would be that the allies had a secure Beach head at the end of the day.Which then let them spread out and eventally conquer the all mighty German Army.if you have more questions regarding ww2 please email me at i will most likely be able to answer any of your questions.

Was World War I going on at the time that the toaster was invented?

The toaster was invented before World War I, which lasted from 1914 to 1918. An electric toaster was invented in 1893, but it was not commercially successful. A successful electric toaster was invented in 1909, also before WWI. But the pop-up toaster was not invented until after WWI, in 1921. So it is likely that refinements of the toaster invention were continuing during the war.

What is the most likely reason Churchill regularly brings up negative details about the war such as the German victory in the Battle of France?

He wants Britain to have realistic expectations about the future.

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Churchill's lack of enthusiasm makes it seem as if he is uninterested in the outcome of the war.

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They are more likely to be answered well.

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