Is it because when one part of the earth is facing the sun they go throught daylight and other side go through darkness?
I'm totally not understanding this.
It was the biggest war throughout history of the entire world.
Throughout Europe and Bombed in Japan
All sides had victories and defeats throughout World War 2 but the Allies had the final victory in August 1945
The organized and illegal mass movement of Jews throughout Europe following World War II.
WWII ended in 1945, because of Hitler's death. The war ended in the same year throughout the world.
Ecology is the study that look at how activities of people vary throughout the world.
The higher plants percieve photoperiod by their leaves. The intensity and quality of light determine the duration of photoperiod for inducing flowering.
Photoperiod refers to the duration of light and darkness an organism is exposed to in a 24-hour period. Seasonal breeding and dormancy (such as hibernation in animals or winter dormancy in plants) are two processes that are dependent on photoperiod.
A photoperiod in agriculture is the amount of time each day that a plant spends in daylight.
It depends on the country or region you are referring to. There are over 7,000 languages spoken in the world.
During the summer solstice, the photoperiod is longest with more daylight hours and shorter nights. Conversely, during the winter solstice, the photoperiod is shortest with longer nights and fewer daylight hours.
There are approximately 10.35 million people in prisons throughout the world. These numbers can vary due to different reporting methodologies and practices in each country.
crops which can tolerate high temperature and photoperiod is photo-thermo insensitive crop.
photoperiod, temperature, fertility, spacing, disease, pests