The Brits had cracked the Enigma Code of the German Nazi Navy used when they communicated to other Nazis. By having the intelligence of the whereabouts of the U Boats and the German Ships the Brits and Merchant Marines were able to steer clear of the German naval vessels. This meant the U Boats were not as able to sink the allied naval ships and the merchant marine cargo ships and passenger ships.
The Brits were lax about the type of code they used in their telegraphy communication and the Nazis were able to crack their code. During the rest of the battle it became a battle of intelligence as well as naval strategy or rather hide and seek.
Radar had come along and were installed on ships and planes. Planes were able to drop bombs on U Boats in the dark due to the use of Radar. Therefore RADAR and code cracking became the turning point of the Battle of the Atlantic in 1943.
The tide turned in favor of the United States during the battle of midway
the Battle of Saratoga!
Second Battle of El Alamein turned the tide of the war in North Africa for the Allies. It was the first Allied Victory in two years and proved British commander Field Marshal Montgomery's reputation.
The US victory turned the tide of the war in the Pacific to US favor
my wang
my wang
The tide turned in favor of the United States during the battle of midway
On the Eastern Front it was the Battle for Stalingrad and in the Pacific it was the Battle of Midway .
the Battle of Saratoga!
The battle of Midway .
it turned the tide of the pacific theater