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Q: Why is West Virginia so poor?
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Why is West Virginia poor?


Are there problem's in West Virginia?

The grammar in this question is poor. Should be "Problems" not "Problem's"

What is the Shoreline miles of West Virginia?

West Virginia is a landlocked state, so it has no shorelines.

Why did West Virginia form during the civil war?

West Virginia was a part of Virginia that was anti-slavery, so they created a border and West Virginia joined the Union.

Who was the governor of West Virginia in 1716?

West Virginia wasn't a state at the time, so it did not have a governor.

What is closer Virginia or West Virginia to Maryland?

Both Virginia and West Virginia share a border with Maryland, so they are virtually equal distances away.

What is the name of the West Virginia university team?

there is no pro team in wv. The state is too poor to have one and does not have attractive resources to bring in investors.

Which is farther south Virginia or West Virginia?

Take a look at a map: parts of Virginia are west of the state of West Virginia. When it was removed from Virginia and made a separate state in the Civil War, West Virginia received that name because it was on the western side of the Appalachians.

How did the state of west Virginia form?

The Western counties of Virginia had not favoured secession. They presently broke away from Virginia and formed their own state of West Virginia in 1863. It became one of the slave-states that were loyal to the Union, although there was actually very little slavery there.

What state is southeast of west Virginia?

The state of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia are to the east of West Virginia. Maryland is to the east of north-central West Virginia (and to the north and east of the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia). Virginia is somewhat to the east and southeast. Oft-forgotten is the fact that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is also east of West Virginia, but it is only east of the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia. In all other respects, Pennsylvania is north of West Virginia.Side note: West Virginia is bordered to the West-Southwest by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Thus, West Virginia is bordered by three of the four commonwealths still-existing in the United States (the other being Massachusetts).

Which direction would you go to travel from Colorado from West Virginia?

Colorado to West Virginia, east. West Virginia to Colorado, west.

What direction is West Virginia than Virginia?

West Virginia is North-West of Virgina. They are adjoining states; West Virginia was once part of Virginia.