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the Holocaust and WWII

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Q: Why is adolf hotler well known?
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Who was a well known German dictator?

Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler

Who was most well-known for causing the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler

For what reason was Fuehrer Adolf Hitler well known for?

Adolf Hitler is well known for starting an atrocious event known in history as the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a form of mass genocide where all Jewish people were tortured and killed by German Nazis.

Who is the most famous German?

The most well-known German is Adolf Hitler.

What type of behavior did Adolf Hitler have?

Adolf Hitler is one of the most well known politicians of the twentieth century. His behavior was cold, calculating and tyrannical.

What made adolf Hitler a well known dictator in history?

For killing over 11 million people.

What well known time period did Adolf Hitler live in?

He lived during World War 1 and 2.

How was Adolf Hitler at giving speeches?

He was very good at it, his skills as an orator is something Hitler was very well known for.

What year did hotler decide to kill all of the jews?

Most likely 1942, but possibly 1943.

What was adolf Hitler most well known for in world war 2?

His famous speeches with the motivation to keep people in the army.

Who is known for his antiSemitism?

Adolf Hitler

What was Adolf Hitler known as?

As the Fuhrer.