no war is ever good!there are serveral reasons as to why ww2 was the most horrific,from hitlers obssesion of world domination to the Holocaustand the loss of so many brave soldiers lifes of all nations that payed the ultimate sacrife to protect us from tyrany,and to give us the freedom we have today,here are some urls for you to follow !! a URL from a similar question here
How many soldiers died in World War 2hope it helped!!
World War II was one of the most horribly terrible wars the world has ever seen. More than six million innocent European Jews were killed just because of their religion. Approximately 30,447,000 civilians were killed, along with 24,517,000 military personnel. WWII was the first war that had more civilians killed than soldiers. Many soldiers who survived suffered from depression after the war because they missed their fellow soldiers who had died.
So many men from the United States fought that women took their jobs, many times permanently. During WWII more women started working outside their homes in jobs like riveting, working in shipyards, and making weapons.
In Europe, sometimes Jewish children would escape to the country and forget who their parents were.
Also, the war left many countries and cities in ruins from repeated bombings. Germany was poor and desolate after being defeated in two world wars. And after the two atomic bombs, the world entered the 'atomic age'.
Another thing was that the defeat of the Axis Powers meant the end of fascism in politics, and other countries viewed America as one of the world's superpowers.
Those are just a few ways World War II changed the world.
World War 2 was the deadliest war in history because over 62,000,000 people died. Most of them were civilians.
HuMan mind
Answer this question… The United States was wrong to drop nuclear weapons on Japan during World War II.
In World War 1 (WW1) the total number of military and civilian casualties was over 37 million. There were over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. WW1 was a global war centered in Europe that began on July 28th, 1914 and lasted until November 11th, 1918.In contrast World War 2 (WW2) was the deadliest military conflict in history. Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of the world population at that time. WW2 was a global war that was underway by 1939 and ended in 1945.
Yes, if you have physical or mental impairments, you are still considered human. homo sapien at least
World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. It was the deadliest conflict in human history.
yup it fu<kin was
This question requires a subjective answer. The deadliest killer in human history was the Black Plague which wiped out millions of people in Europe.
the deadliest pandemic in human history
It is the general history of armed conflict in the history of the human race
The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 37.5 million. There were 16.5 million deaths and 21 million wounded making it the 6th deadliest conflict in human history.
I paid attention in history.. it was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history it started in 1348-1350.. it was carried to other areas by rats..
The Human Ingenuity.
Nobody liked the Black Death, it was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history and killed millions of people.
HuMan mind
World War 1 left over 37 million military and civilian casualties and was considered as one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. It was in the country of Czechoslovakia that 30,000 civilians died because of famine and disease.