It's important to remember atrocities like the Holocaust for several reasons:
World impact, maybe? The holocaust is a historical tragedy that affected the entire globe. There are still people alive today who suffered and survived the holocaust - they lost everything - their families, homes and cultural histories have been demolished. If that does not merit "remembering" a devastating part of history I don't know what does. How can anyone forget?
'He who does not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it.'
George Santayana
Because it was a major event in history when millions of Jews and others were murdered. We need to remember the Holocaust so that we remember the horrors that innocent people were put through.
However, I do think the main reason it should still be taught and thought about is to remind us of why it should never happen again. Even more so because the world we live in today is far more complex, which would make it even easier to build such mass killing machines. Our history can help us learn from our past and live for a better future.
I everyone should have the opportunity to learn and discover about the holocaust because it is the biggest known genocide ever. We should not forget about the innocent people who were murdered because Hitler didn't agree with them. People should always learn from mistakes, and it makes things a lot less painful if they are not your own.
We need to remember the Holocaust so that we remember the horrors that innocent people were put through, and so this can't happen again.
we should remember the holocaust so we can make sure that nothing like this will ever happen again. if this would happen again we would know what to do because the holocaust educated us on this major events in history. we all always keep in memory all those Jews and non Jews that were murdered.
Why? Many reasons... Wwe should do it out of the respect of the millions of innocent men woman and children who were killed together in the most evil way you can ever imagine. They died a long death, often watching the ones they loved most suffer. Each and every single one of these people had friends, family, etc. They were ordinary people. Why were they killed? Simply because they were Jews. Another reason why is that it can be passed on to the future generations about the true horrors of rasism so something as terrible may never, ever happen again.
I don't accept that remembering the Holocaust prevents genocide. In fact, the Rwanda Genocide of 1994 - in which about 800,000 Tutsis were massacred by the Hutu militia in roughly 100 days - means that something very similar has already happened again. As with the Holocaust, most of the world didn't want to do anything about it till it was over ... Then the international hand-wringing began.
because it reminds you about how shitz-minded hitler was.
and how he wanted to destroy everyone who wasn't aryan.
everyone who didn't have blond hair-blue eyes.
he killed many jews, many gay people, many many innocent different people.
he sent them into concentration camps and killed them in horrible ways.
he tried to clone twins.
it is disgusting; the sick mind of a selfish person.
Why isn't it? Millions of people died,some people were not even counted because there were so many deaths. Imagine dying in that horrific event. Well, wouldn't you want to be remembered? The Holocaust is an event not to only remember everyone who died, but to remember what humanity is capable of. Remember the Holocaust.
We need to be educated about the holocaust so that the next generation will make sure that something like that will ever happen again. It was such a horrible time and there are many people out there who still think that it was right. If you want more understanding, then i would recommend that you read the book The Wave by Todd Strasser.
The Holocaust shouldn't be fogotten because it was one of the world's great disasters, and known as one of the bigest tragedies in history. ____ There is no 'should', that would be imposing your own morals onto other people. _____ The Holocaust will never be forgotten as we now have methods of recording what has happened. ______ It is a period in time where millions of innocent people lost their lives. It was a sensless act so thats why is to honor the people who died.
Well, isn't that a thoughtful question. One thing you could do is educate others about the Holocaust by sharing what you've learned with friends and family. Another idea is to visit a Holocaust memorial or museum to pay your respects and deepen your understanding. Remember, every small action you take to honor and remember those who suffered can make a big difference in promoting empathy and understanding in the world.
the holocaust- he killed milions of Jews and wrecked families - some of them are still alive today and remember the cruelity of the Nazis
Escape: Children of the Holocaust profiles 7 child Holocaust survivors.
Where did the events of the Holocaust span?
You should. It's history, it really happened.Everyone should remember the Holocaust and pray that nothing similar ever happens again,
To remember the Holocaust.
I'm sure that the people who were in it would rather not remember it.
Those who have memories of the Holocaust have no trouble and need no help in remembering.
They talk about the holocaust?
Theirs many reason that people think the Holocaust should be an Holiday, The reasons are that; . so we can remember the victims that were in the holocaust and that didn't survive at a time of period. . I believe very strongly, that the victims should get one day to be remembered because of all the torture they have been through. . I think all of the victims were innocent and none of them were guilty.
Because it was a huge and terrible tragedy, and, as they say, we must remember history, lest it repeat itself.
Jews still remember the Holocaust and feel that it is important because so many people died for no reason! ___ For many, the Holocaust has become a key element of Jewish identity.
tworeasons we should learn about the holocaust
Helen Farkas has written: 'Remember the Holocaust' -- subject(s): Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Personal narratives, Holocaust survivors, Biography
Who should be commemorated on the holocaust memorial day?I think that Jews who died should be commemorated including the Germans who helped them because it shows an important part in the holocaust memorial situation. The should be commemorated at a church with a nice funeral with can remind the future what it would have been like to have lost your live especially in concentration camps, labour camps or death camps. Furthermore I also believe that all Jewish people should be commemorated due to the way they had been treated and the way they had suffered. The date for the holocaust Memorial Day was chosen due to the anniversary and the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Union in 1945.What is Holocaust Memorial Day?The holocaust Memorial Day is the remembrance of millions of victims who had died and suffered due to of Nazi Germany's policies.In addition who also does the holocaust remember?The holocaust memorial day also remembers and commemorates the tragic loss of lives in the genocides of the World War II, in Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda.