Because of money... Polk knew that California was needed as a way to monopolize trade with Asia and soon after the annexation of Texas and Mexican-American War was won this problem was solved but, both nations the United States and the United Kingdom claimed the Oregon region based on earlier exploration and the"right of discovery", described as "joint occupancy," making any resolution of the territorial and treaty issues until a later time. However later failed to settle upon a compromise boundary because British wanted to keep their fur trade South of the Columbia River for their powerful/profitable trading companies and the Oregon Dispute became important between the British Empire and the new American Republic. It was urged by the Democratic party for Polk to negotiate a boundary with the British because of "Manifest Destiny" era of the US. Polk accepted a compromise along the 49th parallel and it is still the boundary between the United States and Canada today..
Neither country was willing to start another war.
California lost over 5,000 men in Vietnam; the highest of any state.
California lost the most men; over 5,000 dead.
The African government was probably grateful that a civilized nation was able and willing to bring some sort of law and order to the country.
He thought he could win.Type your answer here...
Yes- Polk settled disputes over the boundary of the Oregon territory with Britain and disputes with Mexico over Texas and California and the land between.
gaining 1oo million square miles of land in the west oregon territory, california... and on
by creating the boundary of Oregon at the 49th parallel and dividing the territory
Polk had a good reason for avoiding war with britain over Oregon. By 1846, he had so much bigger troubles brewing with Mexico over Texas..........
Polk added over 800,000 square miles to western territory and extended the boundary of the country to the Pacific Ocean. He also lowered tariffs and created an independent federal treasury. He only served one term as promised.
Polk needed a victory to intimidate the Mexicans during the Mexican War. Polk was under pressure from Mexico to attempt to seize Oregon. Whigs pressured Polk to show Britain that America wouldn't back down
Polk's Secretary of State, James Buchanan negotiated a treaty with Great Britain that provided a peaceful solution to the Oregon boundary dispute. They settled for less than the 54th parallel boundary Polk had campaigned for .
He faced a dispute with Great Britain over the location of the northern border between Oregon and Canada as well as serious trouble with Mexico over Texas and California. The Oregon question was settled peacefully with a treaty. The dispute with Mexico led to the Mexican War. He resolved both problems advantageously for the US.
Polk did not really want to fight Britain. Instead, in 1846, he agreed to a compromise. Oregon was divided at latitude 49°N. Britain got the lands north of the line, and the United States got the lands south of the line.
As far as US and Britain over the Oregon Boundary, President Polk wanted the land and figured that Britain was not willing to fight over it. Britain gave the US almost everything it wanted. No troops were needed but both sides did have some ships. With Mexico, the US sent a full scale invading army and took what it wanted. Later with the Gasden Purchase it took some more but this time it paid for it.