It was initially called The Great War but when World War II broke out they changed it to World War I because they were similar wars and countries all over the world were fighting it. Another reason would be from the fact that in the first few months of the great war, everybody had believed that it would end as soon as one side had seen the formidable force of the other!
Because they did not have WWII
September 1, 1939 was the official beginning of World War 2.
United States.!
Because they did not have WWII
I have heard it called the Great War, the War of the Nations, the War against the Kaiser, and the War to end all Wars. It may have had other names before World War 1 came into common usage.
America's population at the beginning of world war 1 was considered mobilization. After World War One fifth of the world's population was infected.
September 1, 1939 was the official beginning of World War 2.
There were many countries that were controlled by Great Britain at the beginning of World War 1.
The incident that triggered the beginning of World War 1 was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne.
The Great War, or the War to end all Wars.
Sep 1 1939
Airplanes were used from the very beginning of the war.
At the beginning of world war one the central powers was called the triple alliance and consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.