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Appeasement was bad because it showed the Germans that the French and British were weak. It showed that the Allies had no desire to go to war, and this only encouraged Hitler to demand more without fear of reprisal.

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10y ago
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14y ago

My personal opinon is that, yes, appeasment was a mistake. The most important evidence that appeasement was a mistake is that it gave hittler confidence, making him think that he could get away with more, when Britain and Fraance Didn't react.

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12y ago

Many reasons.

  • Germany did not have as good a reason to avoid going to war as it did to go to war.
  • All parties knew that most countries wanted to avoid a war like the first world war, as many countries had nothing to gain from such a war, but much to lose.
  • As Germany was building its economic engine, they required oil. War was one way to fight for access to oil.
  • Germany was willing to take a gamble to try to conquer most of West Europe, as the pay-off of success was quite good.
  • Russia was occupied on it's Eastern front, particularly from Japanese expansionism sentiment.
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13y ago

I think appeasement was a very bad idea in this situation. Instead of suspecting Hitler of rearming his forces and planning to stop him before starting a war, Britain was shaking hands with Hitler and making treaties with him which was showing that Neville Chamberlain was afraid of Hitler. Why was he afraid of someone that was taking land east of Germany?

Even if Hitler did decide to invade Britain, we had a superior difference in armed forces, and France would have assisted us if needed. Appeasement was the cowardice way of not standing up to Hitler and the indecisive way of agreeing with him

hope this helpss:) Sophia kaur

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16y ago

Appeasement during WWII is considered to be a major cause for strengthening Nzi Germany. Because the surrounding Nations, mainly Britain allowed Hitler to take the territory he wanted, including the Sudaten land from Chezalavokia, WWII was delayed for several years. During those years Hitler gained power and popularity which helped him fight WWII so successfully.

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11y ago

One the one hand appeasement was wrong... (counter argument is re-arming and self interest of colonies and empire etc.

1) it gave the green light for aggression, as demonstrated in abyssinia 1935 mussolini could get away with doing what he wanted without the major powers such as Britain and France getting involved. Hitler thus began to create an aggressive foreign policy. Hitler carried out the remilitarisation of the rhineland in 1936 and then went on to take Austria and Czechoslovakia without facing opposition. This portrayed that chamberlain was inexperienced with international politics and relations and showed the allies to be weak.

2) Another reason why appeasement was wrong is because it led to a devastating war that could have been stopped earlier. Hitler gave orders to his army to retreat if faced by opposition in the remilitarisation of the rhineland in 1936, however britain was unwilling to become involved in an 'irrelivant' piece of land and france was unwilling to act alone. If Hitler was opposed and his army retreated then he would have faced public humiliation and eventually been deposed. Furthermore through appeasement the allies lost a strong potential ally- Czechoslovakia. They have an army of 34 divisions and were extremely powerful however at the munich conferences 1928, they appeased hitler and allowed him to take the whole of the sudetanland. Eventually this appeasement led hitler to believe that Britain and France would yet again appease him in Poland, which is when war was declared on the 3rd september 1939.

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13y ago

According to some historians, the policy of Appeasement encouraged Hitler to be more agressive. Britain and France did not stood up to Hitler, which made them seen weak. After every move Hitler promised not to take other countries, but he should not been trusted. This policy allowed Germany to become stronger. When Stalin saw that Britain did not help Czechoslovakia against Hitler, he became convinced that Britain would not help the Soviet Union if Germany attacked it. Consequently Stalin signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Hitler in 1939, dividing Poland among themselves.

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14y ago

Appeasement failed as the free nations prior to the second World War attempted to prevent further German expansion on the continent. Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, knew that it had the most powerful military in the world and could essentially conquer any nation in Europe. By pretending that he would end his aggression when the Allies conceded territories adjacent to Germany, Hitler played the weak nations in Europe and ate up all of the smaller areas without having to start the war. Germany knew it would start the war, but it was able to take many territories without losses because of appeasement.

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13y ago

The appeasement policy used to appease Adolf Hitler was very foolish. Winston Churchill had warned the prime minister and parliament not to trust Hitler because he was a gangster thug. Which was true. France and England (plus other countries) signed non-aggression pacts with Adolf Hitler when he had absolutely no intention of honoring these pacts with any of them.

It is always a mistake to make a pact with a "bully", or as Winston Churchill said make a pact with a devil, because the bully wants to put you into his clutches. He has no intention of being nice and not using aggressive tactics with you. He will do whatever he wants to you while you think you are safe from him because you signed a pact with the bully. He catches you off guard and gets you while you think you are safe.

If a general in Hitler's staff could not appease him is it really wise to think you can appease him with the stroke of a pen?

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The policy of appeasement contributed to the start of World War 2. When the allied countries gave in to Hitler's first demands it encouraged him to try for more.

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it really wasnt an idea it just was inevitable.

Was the appeasement was a mistake?

Yes it was a mistake because it caused World War 2

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Not at all. WWII was fought.

What policy did Britain and France adopt toward Hitler before World War 2?

AppeasementThe policy of appeasement.

What was the policy of appeasement in world war 2?

appeasement before world war 2Britain and France was after WWII but Britain and Germany before WWIIAnsweri only know two countries that held an appeasement before war broke out in 1939. these two countries are BRITAIN and GERMANY. i hope that this has helped you with your reasearch.