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The salute is not racist in itself. But since it is a representation of the Nazi regime, which stood for a racist ideology, doing it now invokes the feelings of anti-Semitism. Much like how the swastika is, in fact, an ancient Indian symbol representing life, its use now has been bastardized by Nazi Germany. The salute is not racist in itself. But since it is a representation of the Nazi regime, which stood for a racist ideology, doing it now invokes the feelings of anti-Semitism. Much like how the swastika is, in fact, an ancient Indian symbol representing life, its use now has been bastardized by Nazi Germany.

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Q: Why was doing the Nazi salute racist?
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Why does Barack Obama do the Nazi salute?

People wave their arms around for emphasis without necessarily doing a Nazi salute. There is no doubt that Barack Obama has no sympathy for Nazism.

Is this how you spell salute?

Yes that is the correct spelling of salute.Some example sentences are:I salute you for knowing how to spell that word.The soldier forgets to salute his commanding officer.The Nazi salute is illegal in Germany and those caught doing it are jailed.Remember to salute the Queen as she passes.

Why did the Nazi have a salute?

Its just military practice. Most if not all military have a salute.

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Billy Idol has admitted before to use Nazi symbols for 'shocking fashion'. So yes, it is the Nazi salute.

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Hun, Kraut, Nazi, Squarehead

Is Nazi the racist n word?

No.It's Ni*ga ,used to call a black person by a racist way!

Where is it illegal to do the Nazi salute?

No, but if a public figure does it, they will generally be accused of misconduct.

How was the Nazi Salute founded?

The Nazi Salute has two origins, both of which are disputed at times.Number one: The most plausible theory:Adolf Hitler modelled the Nazi Salute after ancient Roman soldiers, who would jut their arms forward in the same way as a salute to their superiors.Number two: The other theory:Hitler took the fascist arm raise from Benito Mussolini (Commandant of the Italian Army), who invented it because he had a fear of handshaking.

Are socialists racist?

Socialism is not a racist concept, but there must surely be socialists who are racists. It is also worth noting that the official name of the Nazi Party was National Socialism. Sometimes a person who describes himself as a socialist is actually a nazi.

Can a black man be a Nazi?

Not really because Nazi groups like neo-Nazis are at its roots quite racist and are against black people.

Is there a Nazi political party in America?

yes there is one as a matter a fact. Very racist.

What is German sieg hiel?

This was a Nazi salute that means literally "hail, Victory." It is profoundly offensive to use this salute in almost all contexts other than documentary or historical research contexts.