Nazi rule was the most ruthless and cruel in Eastern Europe where the Slavs. The Nazi's felt that the Slavs were an inferior race and set up concentration camps.
They felt that their ideas for a 'perfect world' were correct, and would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
Most of the countries under Nazi rule (and the control of their allies) lost over 50% of their Jewish population:PolandLithuaniaLatviaSerbiaThe Netherlands (Holland)BelarusCroatiaRomaniaHungaryAustria
blue eyes, light skined, blonde, tall. They beleived aryans had a destiny to rule the world.
To take over and rule Western Europe and England.
I am not sure these details are easily available , as a lot of them would have been eliminated or misplaced over the years, however a rough estimates of the areas affected the most by the Nazi rule are given here: Please see Schindler's List (1993) was directed by Spielberg and captures the horrors of the Nazi Rule.Try to read the book 'The Diary Of Anne Frank' as well.. these will provide a little insight into the Nazi operations.
It was most ruthless in eastern Europe because the Slavs were considered racially inferior
Hitler wanted to spread the German rule about the Nazi ideal. Nazi stand for National Socialism.
Hitler wanted to get the entire Europe , under the power of Nazi rule.
It was the beginning of the end of nazi rule in western Europe and the beginning of the return to democracy.
Nazi concentration camps ~ see link below .
Romania was never under Nazi rule !
Most prosperous
The Holocaust affected all areas of Europe under Nazi rule and that of their puppet state and some of their allies, such as Romania and Croatia.
The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.
Lithuania came under Nazi rule in June 1941 when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union.
Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.Two of the many ways that the Roman empire brought civilization to most of Europe were the rule of law and the use of permanent housing which evolved into towns.
Cleopatra ruled as the last queen of Egypt. She had a ruthless reign.