The Corsair was used in Europe during WWII, but only by the British Air Arm, which was their Naval Service. While the US was trying to overcome aircraft carrier landing issues, the British figured out how to safely land on a carrier by dipping on wing to slide into position before leveling off just before touch down.
Note that the British rated the Corsair, Hellcat and the Wildcat superior to all of their countries' Naval aircraft during WWII. They were particularly impressed with the Hellcat due to its ease of handling, ruggedness and long range.
no it wasnt
we didnt really have to do anything except try to find food becasue the war wasnt here. It was in japan and veitnam
it really wasnt an idea it just was inevitable.
The world was at war and Hitler was winning in 1941.
None. Spain wasnt in the war
Because there wasnt enough food for the soldiers and the civilians
World War I and II took place during these years.
is wasnt
the army wasnt big enough
Nothing, they wasnt aloud to live in gerany in ww2
because porn wasnt enough to keep the men occupied
it really wasnt the distruton of the world but 911
it wasnt
Hitler wasnt in it
No there wasnt
no it wasnt
no it wasnt