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President Nixon negotiated with the North. An agreement was reached. We would cease fire; We get our POW's returned; we'll leave the country.

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Q: Why were US Soldier POW released?
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What does POW mean in Summer of mY German Soldier?

POW is an abbreviation of Prisoner Of War

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Who is kept at guantanamo bay prison?

It is a US Naval Base where Prisoners or War (POW's) are held. Right now, it's mostly filled with people associated with the 9/11 attacks. But it also holds other POW's such as the Canadian soldier who is accused of killing an American soldier with a grenade while in Afghanistan.Hope this helps!!

What book is about a Jewish girl and a German POW?

Summer of My German Soldier

How did you show your support in the Vietnam war?

I wore a POW bracelet with the name of a soldier missing on it.

When is tinker tailor soldier spy released in the US?

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy had a US release date of 5 September 2011 .

How many prisioners were at Vietnam war?

Approximately 600 US POW's were released in 1973; of which most of whom were Airmen (pilots and aircrewmen).

Why were American POW's in Germany not paid for their detainment but the Japanese were?

It is US Policy to pay POWS 'back pay' for their time in POW camps. If it didn't happen, you can generally blame the bureacratic nature of government. While its easy to have a policy sometimes its harder to adminster that policy. For instance, if a soldier is listed MIA, and dies in cativity, the natural process of the government might assume death, and pay the death benefit at the time the soldier was listed as MIA without ever really knowing the soldier WAS a POW. Then of course you have soldiers believed dead, who turn up living, now of course they want their back pay, but the government has already paid out a 'death benefit.'

Did German pow come to US in World War 2?

Over 425,000 pow were sent to US and 33,798 were sent to Canada. Most were German.

When was Soldier released?

Soldier was released on 10/23/1998.

What does beneficiary for unpaid pay and allowances mean?

A beneficiary for upaid pay and allowances is someone who is declared on the DD93 to receive any money owed to the Soldier after his/her death or if they are in a "missing or POW" status. For example, if a soldier dies on the 30th of the month, he/she will get the soldier's ordinary entitlements from the 15th-30th, plus allowances(housing, separate rations:food) and any other pay(ie clothing allowance) that was entitled to the soldier. If the soldier is declared missing or in POW status. the appropriate service will pay the above entitlements to the designated person once the soldier's status has been officially declared.

What are the release dates for Pete's Pow-Wow - 1927?

Pete's Pow-Wow - 1927 was released on: USA: 18 March 1927