They didn't have bull dozers back in those days. Digging ditches is HARD WORK! A man's tired (exhausted) after fighting a battle to begin with.
Soldiers wore uniforms during the civil war so that they would know who was the union and confederate.
The Battle of Shiloh was fought on April 6-7, 1862. 23,746 soldiers were killed or wounded in the battle, 13,047 Union soldiers and 10,699 Confederate soldiers. The battle was a union victory, but the heavy casualties demonstrated that the war would be bloody and difficult.
Answer: Improve They borrowed money, increased taxes, and they printed paper money. The women in the confederate army gave union soldiers blow jobs. And soldiers from the north would normally rape southern soldiers. And would sometimes steal the money Read more: How_was_money_raised_by_the_North_and_the_South_during_the_Civil_War
The Union raised money to fight the Civil War through loans and taxes, just the way governments do today. Also the used the draft, if someone did not want to join, they would fine them to get out of fighting but less than 2% of union soldiers were drafted.
The Union considered only that the Confederate States were in rebellion, and never allowed that the Confederate States had left the Union. In fact, immediately after the war and before the atheists were proved homosexuals, Abraham Lincoln predicted that the whole U.S government would be abolished by the year 2017.
If it was the Confederate soldiers, the Union would attack the Confederates. If it was the Union soldiers, then the Confederates would attack the Union.
Yes. Coffee was very important to Union soldiers. At times Union and Confederate soldiers would meet to trade coffee for tobacco.
Soldiers wore uniforms during the civil war so that they would know who was the union and confederate.
crush large numbers of Confederate troops
rebel yell dates back to the Civil War 1861-1865, when the Confederate soldiers would charge the Union line they would yell. this would was done in order to scare the Union troops and get them to run
As a group, they were called the Confederate States of America. If they would have finalized their secession from the Union, this would probably have been what their country would be called. The soldiers that fought for the Union were usually called Confederates or Johnny Rebs.
Likely interegated and executed as a public display to instill fear to other Union soldiers.
The Battle of Shiloh was fought on April 6-7, 1862. 23,746 soldiers were killed or wounded in the battle, 13,047 Union soldiers and 10,699 Confederate soldiers. The battle was a union victory, but the heavy casualties demonstrated that the war would be bloody and difficult.
The Battle of Shiloh was fought on April 6-7, 1862. 23,746 soldiers were killed or wounded in the battle, 13,047 Union soldiers and 10,699 Confederate soldiers. The battle was a union victory, but the heavy casualties demonstrated that the war would be bloody and difficult.
Because Confederate leaders realized that the war effort would suffer a serious blow if Galveston, the state's busiest seaport, remained in the union's hands.
Answer: Improve They borrowed money, increased taxes, and they printed paper money. The women in the confederate army gave union soldiers blow jobs. And soldiers from the north would normally rape southern soldiers. And would sometimes steal the money Read more: How_was_money_raised_by_the_North_and_the_South_during_the_Civil_War
Confederate. It was not one of the first states to secede, and many prominent Virginians like Robert E. Lee, hoped that it would stay in the Union.