paths of glory, gallipoli, flanders field, and battel of somme are four types of ww1 battel grounds
there is none. the longest war in world war 1 is world war 1. it would have to be the longest battle. :)*
The BATTLE OF JUTLAND was the largest naval battle in World War I.
World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Battle for Midway Battle of Leningrad
Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.
a war
there is none. the longest war in world war 1 is world war 1. it would have to be the longest battle. :)*
World War I
The BATTLE OF JUTLAND was the largest naval battle in World War I.
World War 2 Battle of Stalingrad Battle of Britain Battle of the Atlantic Battle for Midway Battle of Leningrad
The: battle of Somme battle of Kut
Battle of Antietam
Yes, world war 1 had tanks. World War 1 was the introduction of battle-ready tanks used in war.
a war
Jutland is the only significant naval battle or World War I
Battle of the Somme
the Battle of The Argonne Forest
yes marne was in world at war HB