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This stamp is about 80 years old and so is becoming scarcer. A mint stamp, full gum ,and well-centered ,retails for about $4.00 and a nice used copy about 90 cents. Dealers rarely buy stamps like this one at a time, but in a collection it would add about 10% of it retail value to your collection.

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Q: 14 Cent American Indian Stamp
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What is the value of a 14 cent Julia howe stamp?

Mint US stamps are worth their face value to use as postage, so use yours that way, if you need postage. 14 cents was a not widely used denomination, so you might want to keep it and ask your collector friends if they need it for their collection. Otherwise, your stamp has negligible value ( less than 25 cent retail) , but please do not throw it away! Keep it in your stamp collection for your children or yourself when you have more time. If you have more than one, you may be able to trade it for stamps of similar value. . Or give it to a collector friend. Collectors always appreciate the thought even it they do not need the stamp. .

When was a postage stamp 39- cent?

In the U.S. from 8 January 2006 through 13 May 2007.

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This stamp is Scott Catalog # 1562, 18 cent (1975)(44 million issued) There are 4 values for this stamp and they are: Face Value: = 18 cents New = 35 cents Used = 20 cents Dealer (80% of face) = 14 cents (Scott Specialized Catalog of US Stamps 2011, page 142)

What is 14 cent?

Property taxes are increasing for Springfield residents following the Board of Mayor and Aldermen's approval of a 14-cent tax hike.

How much is 14 cents in Indian rupees?

14 cents ==indian rupee