...but if u are going to gangbang choose bloods theres power in numbers theres more bloods then crips and the pople nation a fellowship of numerous gangsincluding bloods are the largest gang group no bloods can be from any race the ubn or united blood nation the east coast bloods and the west coast accept anyone who wll bang 4 the cause one o.g in rikers prison who isa big guy in the gang is hispanic....
bloods and crips.
Racism does not only happen between black and white people. It happens also with a combintion of all, oriental, hispanic, latinos, canadians.
bloodz are more organized then cripz and we stick with are bloodz instead off killing are people that are in the same thang so bloodz are more dangerous and we are getting bigger so watch ou kraps ck all day
because the people those times were incredibly racis and when there wasn't any blac people on slavery they were still put down but black people still stood up for themselves like rosa parks and nelson mandela
The rapper 50 Cent was never a member of the Crips or the Bloods. However, he was a drug dealer in his youth.
Real Bloods & Pirus do NOT bang the ''5'' gangs under the People Nation bang the ''5'' & Bloods & Pirus are NOT in the People Nation, they are in the Blood Alliance. *Black P. Stones are an acception, they are the ONLY Blood set that claims the ''5'' because they have ties to the Almighty Black P. Stones Nation in Chicago.
Bloods are NOT in the People Nation, Bloods are in the Blood Alliance. Bloods and People Nation gangs have nothing to do with each other.
Black Bloods- SirSteel White Bloods- Tear Bloods- Kainrox101. Has been taken over by Razor Bloods Stray Bloods- Red Bloods- Light Bloods- Dark Bloods- Razor Bloods- Zoltare & KazaStone Arrow Bloods- Arrow Star & LightingStorn Cursed Bloods- DarkNight
Is the almighty black p stones the same as the bloods gang?
she and the rest of the black family are pure bloods. so when sirius brings in half bloods and discrased pure bloods (the weaslys) and mudbloods into her pure blood house she is furiouis. she is all about pure blood just like the malfoys (the malfoys are related to the black family) so by bringing ''lesser'' people into her house it is discrasing her and to her it is shamefull.
Evil pagan inception
Ya Mum (<-----ignore this, some idiot wrote it). Black bloods are ruthless killers that take down anyone in their way, even their own pack members. They were founded by Steel, a little before the opposing white bloods were founded by Fang. These two groups have been fighting forever, the largest fight was won by the white bloods though. This angered the black bloods, and both have been regrouping ever since. Some black bloods have become more civilized since then, and have even created a new breed of blood along side the white bloods, known as silver bloods. The black bloods now are still cruel killers, but they have weakened as a pack, and even the peace keeping white bloods have split into multiple packs. If your looking to join one of these two packs, choose wisely. The black bloods focus on strength and leave the weak behind, fighting and killing for fun. White bloods focus on doing what is right, and protecting what is important. Think before you choose.
Gold Black and Red but many try to refrain from wearing too much red because they don't wanna be confused with Bloods which they aren't and don't have anything to do with Bloods(real Bloods don't ride the 5 and aren't in the People Nation).
I think t.rodgers did..........
Blue Bloods - 2010 Men in Black 3-14 was released on: USA: 8 February 2013
No, black people do not exclusively vote for black people.
No. Ap, the Armenian gang, hangs with surenos. The sure is don't like black gangs like the Bloods.