By my assessment and view, as i had a chance to notice, a lot of Americans wear glasses 7/10 rough evaluation.
President Jackson said that it would be in the Native American's best interest to be far away from white Americans.
No! The islanders are of Asian decent. For native Americans to travel from north America to Samoa in canoes would be an utterly amazing engineering feat! Fresh food,water, native Americans did not have mass transit by boats to reach that far in the Pacific! But the Asians moved from china to Korea to Japan on westward! My opinion is that Native Americans are also decendants of Asians through Geographical adaptation!
Interactions at first were peaceful between the colonists and the Native Americans. The Native Americans helped the colonists adjust to life in the Americas and taught them what kind of crops to plant.
Native American's were NOT moved onto reservations in the great plains in the early 1800's, it was the late 1800's. They were moved there for the same reasons they were always pushed into these areas; the US Government and its people wanted their land and its natural resources.
about 10 miles
No, think about it, if you are near sighted you can see near, if you are far sighted you can see far, if you are both you can see both No, think about it, if you are near sighted you can see near, if you are far sighted you can see far, if you are both you can see both
Far sighted. you can tell this by this way: Near-sighted- you can sight nearby things. Far sighted- you can sight far away things.
Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964 was released on: USA: November 1964
Near Sighted. If you need glasses if you cant see close up, you are far sighted. You need the glasses to see close up, so your not near sighted.
Dogs are near-sighted, meaning they can see better up close than far away. They rely more on their sense of smell and hearing for hunting and navigating their surroundings.
The cast of Near-Sighted and Far Out - 1964 includes: Jack Mercer as Squeegee
far sighted
Depends on what's blurry. If it's something close to you then you are far sighted. If it's something far away then you are near sighted.
near sighted, far sighted, cataracts, glaucoma, blindness
means you can see close up, but objects that are far away are blurry, and the opposite of that is far sighted
im not sure. probably... far sided.
This question makes no sense. It is the shape of specifric parts of the eyes that determines far or near sightedness.