Technically, anyone can say any word they want. However, using the N word, regardless of skin color, is disrespectful and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. So sure, they can say it, but it's probably not the best idea if they want to avoid drama or being labeled as ignorant.
No. No one should ever use that or any other hateful words.
they say man originated in Africa
I would say that they were either in Africa or being taken out of Africa to be slaves by the whites
I think it's because being African American is a minority compared to being white. [[edit]] It's because white people have been the dominant race in the past and subjected other races to bad treatment so I believe if we say something to them it is seen as reminiscant of that. However, calling someone black isn't offensive because it's just a fact (although some ignorant people may incorrectly class it as racism). Unless you say it in an offensive way that implies they are below you. [[edit]]
It may be to point out that you have ridiculous ideas, or their nose may itch or they may have a cough. Why look for racial slights? Aren't there enough actual racial tensions in life that you don't have to LOOK for more?
A albino tiger is a tiger that is white just like when people say" YOUR ALBINO"!
Cotten picker black
Yes, they're still black!
You may say 'shirako,' written: 白子
I'd have to say probably an Albino Ballpython. Although there would be a small chance of it being non-Albino
Yes, it is legal to hunt Albino White tailed Deer in Michigan. A lot of people will say no its not but since early 2009 it has been legal.
The word "black" in Russian is "чёрный" (chyorniy).
black - aswad
Any animal can be albino and they are born with it so they dont just wake up one day and say hey im albino no they're born with albinoeness :) lol nice answer
Spanish: albino French: albinos German: albino Italian: albino Japanese: アルビノ (arubino) Chinese (Simplified): 白化病患者 (báihuà bìnghuàn zhě) Russian: альбинос (al'bínos)
Rea pronounced Rear
its just the same i think